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MONDAY ROLLED AROUND, and with that came classes. Fey awoke that morning with a smile on her face, ready for the day. She got dressed and skipped down to the grand hall. She decided to sit with the Gryffindors, seeing as she had gotten closer to Ginny. She also desprately missed Ron, as she hadn't seen him yesterday.

She made her way over to the table, where Ron, Harry and Ginny were having a debate on who the best professional quidditch team was.

"Its obviously the Holly Head Harpies!" Exclaimed Ginny as Fey sat down.

Ron, noticing Fey's presence, turned to her with a smile on his face. "Hey Fey!" Fey blushed and quickly turned her head so Ron didn't see. Fred, however saw it and nudged George and whispered something in his ear, causing him to snicker, making Fey even more red. Ron, not noticing the exchange, faced back to Ginny and practically shouted, "ITS BULGARIA YOU DIM WITTED TOAD!"


Harry, embarrassed by the yelling, as it had attracted the attention of about half the school, tried to intervene with his own opinion. "I actually think Ireland is the best," he said softly.

"SHUT UP HARRY." Ginny and Ron said simultaneously.

Even though Fey was beater on the Hufflepuff quidditch team, she didn't really have a favorite team, seeing as her parents were always too busy to take her to a game. Her parents both worked as magical creature handlers, so they were always away transporting all kinds of creatures. They loved her, of course, but they could never really find the time to take her on vacations and what not. Fey didn't really mind, but she constantly            missed her mother and father.

The argument concluded with Ginny sending the bat-bogey hex at Ron, but she missed, accidentally hitting Pansy Parkinson, who shrieked as boogers with wings flew out of her nose. This earned a detention for Ginny, which lead her to curse out Ron.

Fey somehow managed to calm them down, but they still glared at each other through bites of oatmeal.

"So," Fey said suddenly, catching Ron's attention. "did you do your charms essay?"

"Shit." Ron muttered. Ron had a deep frown, thinking about how to get it done. Then he had an idea. "Hey, Fey?" He said, drawing out the y.

"Oui?" She replied. Seeing the confused look on Ron's face she quickly clarified. "French for yes. Anyways, yes Ronald?"

"Well since you're the smartest witch i've ever met —"

"Hey!" Remarked Hermione from across the table. Ron ignored her.

"could you possibly let me copy?" He asked. "Please?" He added, with his icy blue puppy dog eyes.

Ugh those eyes are impossible to refuse, she thought.


"Yay!" Ron said happily. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Fey rolled her eyes. "You have to do it next time though," she said while pulling out her essay she completed the day prior.

Ron quickly scribbled out the essay on his own parchment, changing a few words to make it look like he didn't copy her.

Once he was done, breakfast was over and the bell was about to ring signifying the start of class. "Let's go, Ron. Charms starts like, now!"

Ron obliged and the two sped out of the grand hall to the charms classroom. They got there and sat down in their seats right as the bell rang. Ron was gasping for breath and Fey was panting heavily, as they had to practically sprint down the corridors to get there on time.

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