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FRIDAY MORNING, Fey woke up, put her hair in a messy bun, threw on her robes, and ran down to the Hufflepuff table for breakfast. She had been spending most of her meals with the Gryffindors and she felt she didn't spend enough time with her Hufflepuff friends.

She sat down next to a messy-haired Cedric Diggory and a high on caffeine Ernie Macmillan.

Fey poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice and grabbed a piece of toast.

"So how is the first hogwarts champion doing on this fine morning?" Fey asks Cedric.

"I'm doing alright, your little boyfriend on the other hand looks pretty lonely." Cedric replies with a yawn.

She glances over to the Gryffindor table and sure enough, Ron is looking very glum, not even eating the sausage pilled upon his plate.

"For the last time, he's not my goddamn boyfriend!" Fey whisper shouts. "It's not like he'd ever go out with me anyways."

Cedric looked at her in disbelief. "You are literally so dumb. Could you be more oblivious?"

"I agree with Ced, I mean, look at the way he looks at you! Even I could figure that out," Ernie says through a mouth full of oatmeal.

"You really think he likes me?" Fey says hopefully.

"I know so, besides, who couldn't like a banging body like yours?" Cedric replies.

Fey hits him over the head with her napkin. "You have a girlfriend, you toad."

"Ah, yes. My amazing, beautiful, intelligent, girlfriend."

"Thanks for rubbing it in, mate." Ernie sighs.

"Anytime, Erns. Welp, I'm gonna go hang out with Cho during our free period." Cedric says, standing up from the bench.

"If snogging her in a broom cupboard counts as hanging out, then yeah, you will hang out." Fey says with a smirk.

"How'd you guess?" Cedric half shouts, already running out of the grand hall to meet Cho.

"Well shit, I have charms in like ten minutes," Fey sighs.

"Lucky, I have divination. Trelawney belongs in the looney bin," Ernie says.

"Don't be rude. Now, I'll see you later, 'kay Erns?"

"Yep, see ya fifi." Ernie says while taking another long sip of his coffee.

"I- my name doesn't even have an 'i' in it. Don't know how you got fifi from Fey but i really don't care right now. Bye!"

Fey walks down the corridor to get to charms and passes Professor Moody.

"Hello, professor," she says kindly, "how are you?"

"Ah, Miss Griffin. I'm doing fine," he says gruffly.

Fey sees that he is struggling to carry what looks like a bunch of potion ingredients. Curious, she asks, "What're the ingredients for? Is that bicorn horn?"

"It's none of your concern, Missy." He replies slightly aggravated.

Fey, being the kind Hufflepuff she is, asks, "would you like me to help you carry that to your office, Professor?"

Moody's artificial eye scans Fey's face and he replies, "I don't see why not. Here, take this," he hands her a big jar of lacewing flies that is roughly the size of her head. "I'll write you a pass for your teacher excusing your tardiness."

"Thank you professor!" She says brightly as they walk in the direction of his office.

Both of them stay silent during the five minute walk from the corridor near the grand hall to Moody's office. When they arrived, Fey set the large jar on his desk and looked around. There was numerous trinkets that were spinning and shaking. Fey peered at a mirror-like object as Moody sighed and sat down in his office chair.

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