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A FEW DAYS AFTER THE FINAL TASK, it was the last day of the term and everyone was preparing to leave the castle. harry had ended up receiving the winnings, cedric insisting he did because he had saved his life. almost no one believed that voldemort was back, except for harry's friends and dumbledore. people would give him dirty looks in passing, and ron and hermione would give them looks right back.

fey and moody — the real moody — had gotten back to perfect health and left the hospital wing two days after they arrived. all was well.

harry, ron, cedric, hermione, fey, and ernie were all sitting underneath a shady tree, savoring their last couple days at the castle.

"soo, gossip time," ernie said, dragging out the so.

cedric rolled his eyes. "erns, we know you just want an excuse to talk about that ravenclaw boy you fancy."

ernie's face flushed red and he hit cedric on the arm. "no, shut up ced." he turned his head to fey, who was laying her head in ron's lap. "how're the two lovebirds?"

fey glanced up to ron, amused. "we're alright," she said with a smile.

ron looked adoringly at the girl on his lap. "couldn't be happier." he said, smiling lazily at her. he brought her hand up to his lips and gave it a quick peck.

"ugh," hermione groaned. "stop showing off."

"yeah, me and 'mione don't appreciate all the pda making us feel lonely." harry said, throwing an arm around hermione.

"guess you'll have to deal with it, mate." ron said, earning a giggle from the girl on his lap.

"so, fey. you're staying at the burrow for summer, right?" harry asked.

fey nodded, got up, and brushed the leaves off her jeans. "that reminds me, i've still gotta pack!"

cedric smirked, "why am i not surprised you haven't packed yet?"

"shut up, ced." and with that, fey ran up to the castle.

fey was shoving random things into her trunk when she heard a soft knock at the door. assuming it was just one of the hufflepuff girls, she mumbled a "come in," and continued packing.

when a pair of arms snaked around her waist, she jumped a bit, but when realizing it's just ron, she relaxed into the embrace.

"hey, what's up?" she asked, leaning her head into his chest.

"just wanted to help you, that's all." he said, swaying them back and forth.

fey reluctantly pulled away from his arms and turned to face him. "no, there's something else on your mind. what is it?" she said, placing her hands on her hips.

ron's cheeks tinted pink, stammering. "i-uh. i was just wondering- well uh-"

fey took his hands, leading them to sit on her bed. "cmon, spit it out."

"well er- we never really defined our relationship. so i was wondering if-"

"if?" she pressed.

"if you'd be my um, girlfriend?" he finally said, and fey's lips morphed into a wide smile.

"of course, you bafoon!" she said, swinging her arms around his neck.


"i'd love to be your girlfriend, lion." fey pulled back, only to go back in for a kiss.

ron kissed back, naturally, and it felt as it were the most normal thing in the world. like they were made for each other. ron began to push her down onto the bed, but before anything could escalate further, fey pulled away, out of breath.

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