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IT WAS THE MORNING of the second task and Fey hadn't seen Ron all day

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IT WAS THE MORNING of the second task and Fey hadn't seen Ron all day. She was starting to think he was avoiding her.

However, Ronald was certainly not avoiding her. He was literally at the bottom of the Black Lake. The night before, him, Harry and Hermione were in the library trying to figure out how Harry could breathe underwater. After many hours of pouring over herbology and charms books, Ron and Hermione were told by Professor Moody to go to Dumbledore's office.

When they got there, Mcgonagall had them wait for two other people. Cho Chang and Gabrielle Delacour arrived shortly after Mcgonagall went to fetch them. The four sat in chairs while Dumbledore explained that they were the 'treasures' the champions had to retrieve. Hermione was Krum's, Cho was Cedric's, Gabrielle was Felur's, and Ron was Harry's. Without much warning, Dumbledore put them all under a strong spell that rendered them unconscious.

Fey was very worried because the task was in 30 minutes and she hadn't seen Ron. Cedric told her not to worry, but he was worried himself. He had been looking for his girlfriend Cho with no avail. Fey also realized that Hermione was missing too. So the friends of the champions were missing...

Suddenly, it clicked. They were the 'treasures' the champions would need to retrieve! Fey rushed to find Cedric and tell him what she found out, but he had already made his way to the second task. She decided she and Ernie would just head to the lake a bit early to get good seats.

The champions had dived into the lake and were searching for their friends, and the stands erupted in cheers, and it seemed like Fey was cheering the loudest for Cedric.

"Yeah Cedric! Kick their asses!" Fey yelled from the stands, earning a couple glares from Durmstrang. Fey spotted the glares, and just to annoy them further she added, "especially that pumpkin head!"

She laughed at their reactions and started chatting with Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister. Fey thought that she was actually pretty cool, and maybe even cooler than Ron. But he doesn't need to know she thought that.

Around 40 minutes later, Fey was anxiously waiting for Cedric to return. Fleur had already come up from the lake, but she didn't have her treasure with her. She claimed she was attacked by 'ze grindylows'. But, as if summoned by the thought of him, Cedric emerged from the lake holding Cho Chang. He had a big, triumphant smile on his face and Fey couldn't help but smile back. She rushed down to the main dock where the headmasters were and gave Cedric a big hug.

"You did brilliantly! And you finished first!" Fey beamed.

"All thanks to you, Fey! I wouldn't have known about the bubble charm unless you made me go through countless charms books." Cedric chuckles. "Oh, and don't worry, I saw your little boyfriend being saved by Harry." He winks.

"-Boyfriend? Who- Cedric! He's not my boyfriend!" Fey shouts, her face a deep crimson.

Cedric only gives her a smirk and tries to warm himself up.

A couple minutes later, Viktor Krum emerges from the lake with Hermione Granger. Fey smiles at Hermione as she gets dry and she sends a small smile back. Hermione could tell that Fey's mind was elsewhere, most likely worrying about Ron. She was right, Fey was very concerned that he wouldn't be rescued in time. Fey decided that she would murder Harry if Ron didn't come up with him.

It was a minute after all the champions were supposed to rescue their treasures, and Harry, Ron, and Gabrielle were nowhere in sight. Fey was digging her fingernails into Ernie's arm as she anxiously waited for their return.

A few moments later, she saw small bubbles in the water. She went to get a closer look, and when she was at the edge of the pier, Ron and Gabrielle burst through the surface. Fey let out a relieved breath and went to the ladder to help them up. She hoisted Gabrielle up first, and when she pulled Ron onto the pier, she instantly engulfed him in a warm embrace.

"Lion! Thank god you're safe! I was so worried when you didn't show up to go to the task." She mumbled into his neck, "Don't ever do that again."

"Well badger, it wasn't exactly my fault, you should be yelling at Harry for caring about me so much." Ron pulls out of the hug, "speaking of Harry, where is he?"

"I-" Right as Fey was about to answer, Harry shot out of the water and flew onto the pier.

"Welp, there's your answer." Fey chuckles.

"Thanks for caring about me so much." Ron whispers so only Fey can hear.

"Anytime, Lion." She leans over and gives Ron a small kiss on the cheek. Though the kiss was small, it still sends an electric current down his spine, his cheek tingling from where her lips were previously pressed against him.

Fey takes a towel and hands it to Ron, and he accepts it gratefully, wrapping it around his shoulders.

The scores are announced shortly after, Cedric being first, Harry second because he saved two people, Krum third, and Fleur in fourth place.

Back in the Hufflepuff common room, the hufflepuffs threw a raging party, celebrating Cedric's first place win.

Fey was sipping on a glass of firewhisky in the corner, watching Cedric getting swarmed by her peers. It was a funny sight, and Fey couldn't help but snort into her drink when Ernie tackled Cedric into a bear hug.

As much as Fey was enjoying the party, she felt something was missing. Someone. And that someone, was Ronald bloody Weasley.


hiii sorry i'm shit at updating regularly. hope u enjoyed this chapter! btw let's just pretend Fey is kissing Ron on the cheek in the gif, not fleur.

also i forgot to say this at the beginning, but i do not own the harry potter universe (obviously) and i only own the few ocs. all rights go to, unfortunately, jk rowling. (even tho we know the true author is dobby)

-lucy <3

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