|𝟚𝟜| 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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"MUM? WHERES MY WAND?" a young girl's voice yelled from the second floor of a nice london flat. the young girl was starting her first year of hogwarts that same day, and she was frantically packing.

"i dunno, honey! maybe check the drawer next to your bed?" an older looking fey shouted, who was packing some food for her two children. she had aged quite gracefully, still having some wrinkles here and there, but she thought they added character. ron definitely agreed, as he still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

speaking of ron, her husband was trying to pack his son's trunk in their muggle car, to little avail. "fey! could you help?" he shouted from the street in front of their flat.

"one moment, ronald!" she yelled back, spreading mayo on a turkey sandwich. "luke! go get your broom from the cupboard and put it in the car, and please help your father while you're at it!"

luke looked up from his phone with wide eyes, frightened by his mother's yelling. the first day of hogwarts was always crazy for everyone, student or not. he hurried and got his broom and went out the door to push the trunk in the car, and fey finished up packing the food.

then, a girl who looked to be around 11 years old came bounding down the stairs, her strawberry blonde hair sticking up everywhere. "mum, i found it!" she yelled, holding up her wand.

"good! now, daisy, take these bags and bring them to the car. we need to leave soon!" fey said, handing the brown paper bags to her daughter, who took them and quickly sped out the door.

fey crossed the room over to the door, and grabbed her purse with her wand. she turned her head to the side, looking at the photo of her and her brother. in the picture, lucas and fey were much younger, probably not even 10 yet. they were smiling brightly, laughing at something off camera.

fey smiled sadly and walked out the door, locking it with a simple locking spell.

she headed down their front lawn to the car, and got in the drivers seat. ron had really never learned how to operate muggle cars.

with everyone in the car, she started the engine. "alright weasleys! let's go!"

the drive to king cross station went smoothly, that is, before luke accidentally set off a dungbomb he got from his uncle george, which ron scolded him for.

"it's not my fault!" he pleaded, partially hiding behind his sister.

"but you still have it! your mother and i specifically told you no more dung bombs! not after what happened last year." ron said sternly. "you're going to be in your third year! no messing around."

"but didn't you free an allegedly mass murderer in your third yea-" luke began, but was cut off by his mother.

"that's enough! yes, your father did very stupid things in his years at hogwarts, but that doesn't mean you have to be an idiot as well." she said, nudging her husband, making him turn red.

other than that, the ride was pretty pleasant.

when they arrived at the station, the kids lugged their trunks on their trolleys and made their way onto the platform.

"okay," said fey as they arrived between platform 9 and 10. "you just need to go through the barrier between 9 and 10. it's best to run if you're nervous."

excited to see his friends, luke hurried through the barrier, and disappeared with a small pop. however, daisy stayed behind, noticeably nervous. ron put a hand on her shoulder in reassurance. "you can do it, daisy," he said softly. she smiled, looking up at her father.

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now