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AFTER THAT DAY, Fey and Ron were almost always seen together. Fey didn't tell anyone about their kiss, but Ron made sure to rub it in his brothers' Harry's face. He didn't tell Fey this, of course.

Their relationship for the next two weeks was pure blissful ignorance, stealing glances during class and secretly snogging in cupboards. Fey was happy with it, but secretly wanted more, but she was afraid of it becoming too real, she was afraid of rejection. Deep down, Fey knew their little bubble would pop- and it did.

The two were in the Gryffindor common room when it happened. Seamus walked up to Ron and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "nice one," he had said, leaving Fey confused. Ron seemed to get this, however, and his eyes widened in realization. 'I should've never told Fred and George,' he thought, and he was right. Fred and George were notorious gossipers, and exchanged secrets for their own gain, even their brother's. Honestly, they should've been in Slytherin for how cunning they are.

Fey turned to Ron, expecting him to explain the exchange that just occurred.

"I- um." He stuttered.

"Spit it out," she encouraged.

"I might've uh- told Fred and George what happened." He mumbled.

"YOU WHAT?!" She demanded, standing up from the couch.

"They were saying I was too pathetic to make a move on you!" He tried to reason, but Fey wasn't having it.

"We specifically agreed not to tell anyone! I said I didn't want to announce it yet!" by now, she was yelling, and the whole common room could hear.

"You're saying it like you're ashamed of it! I don't think it's a big deal!" He yelled back at her.

"I'm not ashamed! I just- you know what? I don't need to explain myself to you. You did a shitty thing and I'm leaving." She huffed, and stormed to the portrait hole, occasionally muttering a threatening 'get out of my way', as she pushed the nosy Gryffindors out of the way.

When she left, the common room was deadly silent with all eyes on Ron. He was utterly speechless. How could something so good be ruined so fast? 'it's all my fault' he thought, and it was.

Harry could sense how terrible Ron felt, and even though he did a bad thing, he wanted to help him make it better.

"Alright, clear off. This git doesn't need your greasy noses in his business." Harry said, shooing them away.

The nosy onlookers finally filtered out of the common room and Ron mumbled a miserable 'thanks' and buried his face in his hands. Harry sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not gonna lie. You fucked up. Even if you don't think it's a big deal, obviously she does. You need to find her as quick as possible, and apologize to her."

"You're right. Ugh, I'm such an idiot! Why the hell do I have to be such a bloody arse." he groaned, throwing his head back and throwing his hands over his face. "She's probably ranting about me to Diggory right now,"


"Why the hell didn't you tell me?!" yelled Cedric while pacing around the boys dorm room.

Fey was on his bed, hanging upside down off of it. "You know how insecure I get about these sorts of things! Remember when there was a rumor that Justin Finch-Fletchly liked me in second year?"

Cedric paused his pacing, trying to remember.

"Of course you don't. So basically, Susan Bones told me he liked me, and I thought it was just a big joke everyone decided to play on the girl-who-has-barely-any-friends."

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now