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A COUPLE WEEKS PASS, and it's another dreary Wednesday. It had been raining all day, and the sky was a murky grey. The rain droplets tapped rhythmically against the windows in the charms classroom. They were taking a quiz today, and Fey barely knew any of the questions.

What is the correct wand movement for flipendo?
a) swish and flick
b) a check mark motion
c) spiral and point

"shit," she whispers. The reason why she barely knew any of the material, was because almost every single class, she had spent it trading notes with her red-head desk mate.

Fey tries to wrack her brain for the answer, but comes up blank. She decides as a last resort to look at Hermione's paper, who was sitting next to her and was almost done.

She leans slightly toward Hermione, pretending to stretch her arms. Then, she quickly looks over to the answer Hermione had put.

b) a check mark motion

"never would've figured that out," she thinks, and scribbles in the bubble.

Which of these is most important when casting a spell?
a) enunciation
b) wand movement
c) concentration
d) all of the above

"D! Easy, you think you can get me with that shit, Flitwick? Nice try, dwarf," she thinks. Or at least she thinks she thought it in her head, but when all heads turn to her, and Flitwick looks up from his desk, Fey knows she's in deep shit.

"Miss Griffin!" Flitwick squeaks, "5 points from Hufflepuff for speaking during a test, and detention for insulting me."

Fey hears snickers coming from her classmates, and lets her head fall to her desk in embarrassment.

Her head stays there until a voice starts yelling. "Hey!" She turns her head to the speaker, and is shocked to see Ron standing in his seat. "That's not fair! She was just stressed! Hell, we all are! Just because she called you a dwarf doesn't mean she deserves a detention. I mean, she isn't wrong," He shouts, making Flitwick turn red with anger.

"5 points from Gryffindor, and detention for you too Mr. Weasley! Both of you, detention with Professor Snape, tonight at 7." Flitwick fumes.

Ron slumps back in his seat, annoyed. Fey can't help but smile at the fact that he stood up for her, even though it was VERY dumb. They made eye contact and Ron sent her a wink, making Fey blush wildly. Fey turned her head back to her test, and tries to concentrate on listing who created some popular spells.


After dinner, both Ron and Fey walk to the potions classroom for their detention.

"I can't believe we have to do this with Snape. He hates me!" Ron exclaims.

"He doesn't mind me that much, I usually don't blow up my cauldron, so I'm good." Fey says, swinging her arms as she skips ahead of Ron. She turns so she's walking backwards, and continues to talk. "I'm just saying, if you don't suck, he'll like you. Unless you're in Gryffindor. Then you're screwed."

"Well I do suck and I'm a bloody Gryffindor. It's not my fault I'm bad at measuring!" Ron complains.

"Actually," Fey says, turning back around, but glancing over her shoulder. "It kinda is."

"Oh, shut up."

"You shut up."

"No you shut up!"

"No you!"


"Shut up!"

"Shut-" Ron starts to say, but is interrupted by the potions classroom door flying open, revealing an unamused Snape. "H-hello professor."

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now