Chapter 2.

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Zeehan's POV-

"And, we're here!" I announced while parking my car.

We got out of the car and made our way towards the main door of the house before ringing the door bell.

"Oh, hello boys! Come in." Reva aunty, Aisha's mom welcomed us in.

"Long time aunty! What's up?" I asked, after Reyhan and Armaan hugged her and were now in the living room.

"All good, you tell me, Zee. Any girl I should know about?" Aunty asked, winking at me after pulling back from our hug.

She has been teasing me about this after she caught me with different girls on the same day.

I chuckled at her while shaking my head, as if saying no, before walking into the living room and sitting across Reyhan.

"Is Choco home yet?" Aisha asked her mother.

"Yeah, she came back home around three hours back. She went out with Girish a couple of minutes ago. Would be returning soon." Aunty informed her, before turning her attention towards us.

"What do you guys want to have?"

"Lasagna." Said Armaan.

"With coke." Reyhan added.

"And whiskey." I joked.

Aunty shook her head while laughing, before throwing a cushion at me. She walked into the kitchen, leaving the four of us alone.

"Who's Choco?" Armaan questioned Aisha.

"Choco is what we call Ayushi at home."

"Bro, Choco is what I call my dog back at home." I said, while chuckling.

"Shut up." Aisha said, rolling her eyes.

"And, who's Ayushi?" Reyhan questioned this time.

"Ayushi is my sister, the one I mentioned in the car, remember?"

"Oh yeah, the one who likes only one yellow rose." I exaggerated while emphasising on 'one'. Aisha rolled her eyes at me again.

"You guys will love her! She's an absolute doll." She continued.

"Is that her?" Reyhan questioned, while pointing at a photograph.

"Yes, that's her." Aunty answered.

"But she looks really different now. I'm not kidding when I say this, but for a moment I didn't recognize my own daughter." She chuckled, while taking out a few plates from the glass showcase.

"You want some help, aunty?" I asked her.

"No thanks, Zee, it's all done." She smiled at me, as I nodded.

"But didn't you guys video call or something while she was in the States?" Armaan asked.

"Well, we were not supposed to." Aisha answered.

"Why?" Armaan questioned further.

Before Aisha could speak again, aunty opened her mouth, "Boarding school." And before any of us could speak any further, the door bell rang.

"I'll get it." Aisha said, and ran towards the door.

"Choco!" We heard her scream.

All of us, including aunty, shook our head while smiling. While Aisha and her sister were still not in our sight, Girish uncle walked into the living room.

"What's up, boys?" He smiled, walking towards us and sitting beside me.

As me, uncle and the boys were talking about cricket, I heard the same voice that pissed me off completely a couple of minutes ago.

"Aisha, I didn't know you were friends with Mr. Ideal Crush." She smirked.

What is she doing here?

"What're you doing here?" I asked her.

"Welcome to my house!" She said, smiling.

Wait. What? So, she is Aisha's sister?

"Aisha, she is your sister?" I asked, pointing at the girl, while emphasising on 'she'.

"Yeah... but how do you both know each other?" Aisha looked so confused right now. Not just her, but everyone in the living room, including aunty who just entered a few seconds back.

"The departmental store girl I spoke about in the car." I said, pointing at the annoying girl.

While Aisha, Rehyan and Armaan laughed, aunty and uncle had no clue about what was happening.

"I'm not even going to ask." Aunty said, before walking back into the kitchen.

"Same. I'll go get changed and join you guys in a few minutes." Uncle said, while getting off the couch.

"Also, what's with the 'Mr. Ideal Crush'?" Aisha asked, when uncle was out of sight.

"That's because he would be my ideal crush if he ever decided to quit smoking and his arrogance." Her sister answered.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Ayushi." She introduced herself to us. While I rolled my eyes, the boys greeted her back.

She sat across me, speaking to Armaan and Rehyan, while I glared at her.

"Don't your eyes hurt?" She questioned, looking at me.

"Hurt by your sight? Absolutely." I smiled at her.

She smiled back, but unlike mine, her's was a genuine one.

"Are you always this good to everyone?" She asked, sarcasm dripping from her question.

"Nah, you're special."

"Glad to be." She said, smiling again.

"Are you smiling on purpose to annoy me?" I finally asked her.

"Well, if you find my smile annoying, it's not my problem. Also, I smile, because I'm a happy person." She said, smiling more.

I wonder how her face isn't hurting by smiling so much. Most importantly, I wonder how her brain isn't hurting by functioning like that.

Ayushi's next statement was enough for me to know that I spoke aloud again.

"And, I wonder how your ass is okay with shit coming out of your mouth instead."

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