Chapter 17.

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Zeehan's POV-

We were on our way back to Mumbai.

The past one week has been nothing but amazing. All of us have grown closer than ever. Most importantly, all of us have grown really close to Ayushi.

She's art, in every sense of the word. In the strokes of her laugh, in the hues of her eyes, in the abstract shape of her mind and in the colourful canvas that is in her heart.

You don't quite know why you're drawn to her, but you don't question it. You just look at her, and it feels right.

It wasn't only her smile that attracted me towards her, it was her eyes too. She has the kind of eyes that could hold the sun, the moon, and the stars. Her eyes held galaxies, universes, time itself. But most of all, in her eyes, if you looked hard enough, you could find my heart.

Clichè. I know. But I guess, that's what love makes you do.

Yeah, maybe it's too early to confess that I'm in love with her. But, you cannot prepone or postpone when to fall in love, right? It just happens.

I'm no poet, but if I could, I would write about how the curls of her hair match just right with the dimpled smile on her cheeks. I would write about her eyelashes, and how they curl upwards just a little too much like a wave about to crash. How her deep brown eyes are like the oceans, the kind you want to drown in.

I know I'm not good with words, but if I could, I would write about her laughter, and how it drowns out all that is not beautiful around it.

If I could, I would write about the softness of her palms and how it melts in my hands every time our fingers intertwine.

Maybe, I should've slept early instead of staring at a sleeping Ayushi, all these days.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise we reached my house and everyone looking at me.

"Uh-uhm..oh.. uhm, sorry. I-I was lost in my thoughts." I said, looking down at my fingers.

"Yeah, we realised." Armaan chuckled.

"How long?" I asked, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Ah, not long. Just fifteen minutes." Ayushi winked. Little does she know that I was thinking about her.

Shaking my head, I chuckled, before getting out of the car.

"How was your trip?" Mom asked, the minute I stepped into the house.

"Amazing." I smiled at her.

She looked at me with an amused, plus, confused look on her face, but later diverted her attention towards the rest of them.

"Hello guys!" She greeted them.


Armaan and I were sprawled on the couch, while Ayushi and mom were in the kitchen. Reyhan drove Aisha home to get some clothes for herself and Ayushi. The two, and the boys, would be staying over tonight.

Excusing myself from Armaan, I got off the couch, before walking into the kitchen.

While Ayushi was sat on the kitchen counter and laughing about something, mom stood near her, facepalming herself.

"What's up?" I asked, walking towards them.

"Woah. Zeehan Malhotra in the kitchen? Am I dreaming?" Mom teased. I rolled my eyes at her, before sitting on the counter next to Ayushi.

"You know Ayushi, Zeehan rarely comes into the kitchen, something like once in a blue moon." Mom told Ayushi.

"Are you serious?" Ayushi looked surprised.

"How come you're in the kitchen today, mister?" She asked me.

Oh well, because you're here.

But obviously, I didn't say that.

"Mom is just exaggerating." I stated.

"Yeah right." This time, mom rolled her eyes at me.

"Anyway, dinner is ready. Once Reyhan and Aisha return, I'll set the table." Mom informed.


Reyhan and Aisha returned a few minutes later. Ayushi helped mom set up the table, before all of us sat at the table to have dinner.

During dinner, I noticed, mom and Ayushi talking a lot. It was like the four of us were having a different conversation, and they were having a different one. Mom looked like she enjoyed Ayushi's company, and that made me really happy.

I'm glad to see mom and Ayushi get along so easily.

Post dinner, the boys and I were sitting on the couch, deciding which movie to watch, before the girls joined us, now in their night wear.

"Seems like mom enjoys your company a lot." I whispered to Ayushi, the minute she sat next to me.

"I'm glad that she does." She smiled.

"Making my mom adore you so that she'd let you marry me?" I joked.

"Well, that's the plan." Ayushi winked.

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