Chapter 21.

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Ayushi's POV-

I shuffled around before sitting up straight on my bed, and rubbing my eyes. My entire room was dark.

I switched on the lights and that's when I noticed the time.

7:28 p.m.

I was about to get off the bed, but stopped as soon as I saw a yellow rose kept on my bed side table. For a moment I thought it was Aisha, but then I saw a note beside it.

I don't know what time you'll wake up, but whenever you do, freshen up and meet me down.

- Mr. Ideal crush

A chuckle escaped my mouth, with a tear slipping down from my eye. I then remembered what Divit told me last night.

Ayu, Zeehan is an adult.. He knows what's good for him and what's not. You can't decide for him. If staying with you makes him happy, then be it that. Don't push him away, Ayu, please. You'd be hurting not one, but two people in the process.

I've hurt Zeehan enough by not telling him about my disease, and I don't want to hurt him anymore.

I took a quick shower before changing into a white crop top and a pair of jeans. Standing infront of the mirror I thought about my swollen eyes.

But it was Zeehan. I couldn't care less about how I looked.

I brushed my hair and let it free, before grabbing a sling bag, putting all the things I'd need, and walking down the stairs.

"I'm glad you decided the right thing." Mom said, as soon as she noticed me.

I smiled at her, before saying, "I'll be back soon."

I walked out of my house, and saw Reyhan, Armaan and Aisha gather around Zeehan and his car.

Their eyes softened as they saw me.

Honestly, I felt really awkward. I didn't want them to treat me as if I'm going to die. I know, I am, but I didn't want any sympathy for that.

That was the reason I didn't tell them about my disease.

"Come here." Armaan called me. I slowly walked to where they were standing.

He ruffled my hair, causing me to hit him.

"Not the hair." I whined.

"Aww." He chuckled, before ruffling my hair again. I couldn't help but chuckle this time.

"Well yeah, have fun until I die."

They all turned serious and glared at me, except Zeehan. He looked everywhere and anywhere, except me.

"Shut up." Reyhan scolded.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"We'll leave?" Aisha asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Reyhan said, before holding her hand and walking towards his car.

Armaan walked towards his car too, which left me and Zeehan on the same spot.

"Thanks." I said.


"The rose."

He smiled at me.

"Choco, you coming?" Aisha asked me, waiting to sit in Reyhan's car.

I looked at her and back at Zeehan, and again at her.

I caught hold of Zeehan's hand, before saying, "Actually, no. You guys carry on."

She smiled at me before sitting inside the car. After both the cars left, I turned to look at Zeehan.

"Where to mister?" I asked him.

"Well, we all planned to go to Juhu." He answered.

"What if I say, I have different plans?" I winked at him.

He chuckled at me, before saying, "Let's execute your plan, shall we?"

"We shall." I said, and pulled him towards the gate.


"We don't need the car, now come on."


"This is my go-to place. Whenever I'm upset you'll find me here." I told Zeehan.

This was a small garden like place in an isolated area about a kilometre from my house. I don't think people know about this place, because no one comes here. Whenever I've been here, there's no one around.

"Should I be upset that you lied to me?" Zeehan asked, looking at me.

"Lied to you about what?"

"You said, this wouldn't kill you."

I was confused, until I got a hold of what he was talking about. The morning in the car when he asked me if my breathing problem and cholesterol would cause my death.

"Well, I didn't exactly lie to you." I started.

"You asked if my breathing problem and cholesterol would kill me, and I said no, because it wouldn't. Coronary artery disease will kill me." I reasoned.

Shaking his head, he sadly smiled at me.

"Oh! Come here." I said, pulling Zeehan with me.

"Tree?" Zeehan chuckled when we stood infront of a tree.

"Will you do me a favour?" I asked him.

"Tell me." He smiled.

"After I die-"

"Ayushi, can we please not talk about it?" He sighed. I smiled, looking up at him.

"Just know, wherever you go, I'll always be with you." I said.

"Getting back to what I was saying, after I die, I don't want you guys to burn me. I want you guys to bury me under this tree, because then this tree will remind you about me. Whenever you miss me, you can come here." I told him.

"Also, you should consider yourself lucky that only you know about this place. Not even Aisha or D know about it." I nudged him, when he remained silent.

He smiled at me, before saying, "You know why I should exactly consider myself lucky?"

"Why?" I asked him.

"To have you in my life."

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