Chapter 7.

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Ayushi's POV-

"So, how was your date?" Dad asked, smirking at me, the minute I sat on the couch.

"What date?"

"The one you went with Zee." He stated, as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Aisha and Reva told me." He said, surrendering himself.

I rolled my eyes at Aisha and mom, before saying, "It wasn't a date. We went to have momos, and well, I was the only one eating, he was just giving me company. And then while coming home, we spend some time on Marine Drive, because I had seen a cotton candy guy, so I wanted to have cotton candy, and yeah, we ended up spending some time there."

"What an ideal date." Aisha teased.

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes again.

"Oh, come on, Choco, accept it! You have a crush on Zee." She said, smirking at me.

"I mean, the boy is really good looking." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"See, I knew it! You-"

"But that does not mean that I have a crush on him." I reasoned, cutting her sentence off.

"I'd rather be crushing on Reyhan." I teased.

"What?" Her face gave away how shocked she was.

"Yeah, what do you think about Reyhan?" I continued.

She glared at me, and that gave away everything.

"Seems like someone's already crushing on him." Dad mumbled, making me and mom laugh.

"Yeah, fine. Atleast I'm accepting the fact that I like him, unlike Ms. Ayushi Shah here."

"Even if I have a crush on him, what's it going to change?" I asked them, before standing up from the couch and walking up to my room, not waiting for their answer.


"Choco? You awake?" Aisha asked, popping her head inside my room.

"Yeah, come in." I said, keeping my phone aside. I sat straight on my bed as she sat next to me.

"I'm going to ask you something, be truthful, okay?"

"It's about Zee, isn't it?" I chuckled.

"You like him, don't you?" She questioned.

"Woah woah. Slow down. Not like, but maybe attracted to him. He's quite good looking, with a nice personality too, so yeah." I smiled.

"Basically, you do have a crush on him, right?" She asked.

"Kind of."

"What do you mean by kind of?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, chuckling.

"He's nice though." I added.

"So you weren't joking when you called him your ideal crush?"

"I call him my ideal crush because he gets annoyed, and it's fun."

"So that's it?"

"Yes, Aisha, that's it."

"Wait. So now, let's clear it out. Are you crushing on Zee or not?"

"A little bit." I told her.

"A little bit?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Okay, maybe more than a little bit." I chuckled.

"I knew it." She smirked.

"Okay, ACP Pradyuman!" I said, rolling my eyes, but still smiling.

"By the way, why're you questioning me about all this? And that too at this time!"

"I was just curious." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Is that the only reason, Aisha?"

"Yeah, Choco."

I nodded at her, but then all of a sudden her phone recieved a notification, and that's when I saw it.

She was on a conference call with Zeehan, Reyhan and Armaan.

"Aisha! What a bitch you are!"


I was sitting on the couch with Divit beside me. We were currently watching a movie.

Does it ever happen to you that you and your bestfriend are busy talking, and completely forget that there's a movie playing on the screen? Because same.

"So that happened, and that's how I asked her out on a date." Divit ended explaining how he and his girlfriend started dating.

"I've never been on a date." I stated, staring at him.

"Was that the only thing you heard?" He said, facepalming himself.

"No no, I heard the entire story." I chuckled.

"But, I'm just saying, I've never been on a date, and-"

"She's lying, Divit. She went on a date with Zeehan last night." Mom interrupted.

"That wasn't a date!"

"Zeehan, huh? Who's he?"

"He's Aisha's bestfriend and Choco's crush." Mom said, sitting on the couch now.

"Ayu, you never told me that you were crushing on Aisha's bestfriend!" Divit exclaimed.

"Because I'm not!" I stated.

The door bell rang and mom went to get it, not before saying, "She's lying again."

"I thought we were bestfriends, Ayu." Divit said, faking a hurt expression.

"Oh my god! I do not have a crush on Zee. Why can't just people believe me?" I said, facepalming myself now.

"That's because you yourself admitted to having a crush on him."

I looked over to the person who just spoke.

Reyhan Singhal.

I grabbed the nearest cushion I could find, before throwing it at him.

"So, now you're lying to me? Your bestfriend!" Divit said, shaking his head with disappointment.

Drama, I tell you.

"Aisha played me into it!" I reasoned.

"Oh shut up, stop lying, Choco." Aisha said, sitting on the couch, with the rest of the boys.

"I'm just so hurt right now, Ayu." Divit exaggerated.

"Stop teaming up against me!"

Everyone in the room started laughing, including Zeehan, except me. I was beyond pissed at this point of time.

"Okay, let's be honest here." Armaan started.

"Are you crushing on Zee or not?" He questioned.

I looked at Zeehan, who had a smirk on his face.

He winked at me before saying, "Even I want to know."

I was so close to saying yes, but then looking at Zeehan's smirk, I changed my mind.


To which everyone, literally everyone shouted, "Liar!"

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