Chapter 23.

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Ayushi's POV-

As we waited infront of the main door, I could hear a masculine voice from inside the house.

"Is your dad home?" I asked Zeehan. But before he could answer, the door flew open.

"Ayushi! Come in." Aunty greeted me with a hug.

I entered the living room, but was welcomed with a smell that I knew too well. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see my doctor.

"Dr. Sahil?" A grin made its way on to my face.

"Ayushi!" He looked up and smiled back at me. I jogged up to him and gave him a hug.

"Told you, I'd fly back to keep a check." He winked.

"Ofcourse." I rolled my eyes.

"But wait. What're you doing here?" I asked him, confused as to what's going on.

"What's my full name?" He questioned.

"Sahil Mal... oh... Sahil Malhotra! You're Zeehan's dad?" I asked him, just to be sure.

"Yeah." I turned to look back at Zeehan who just spoke.

"Look what I've prepared for you!" Dr. Sahil stated, causing me to look at him again.

"Your favourite! Grilled tofu with beans curry."


"Okay, stay in the library until one of us comes and gets you, alright?" Armaan spoke.

"Why can I not just go home? Why do I have to sit here?" I asked all of them.

"Because we have a football match and we three want you to be there for it." Reyhan said.

"Yeah, so I can go home and drive back here when it starts. Also, is it necessary for me to wear Zee's jersey?" I asked, glaring at all of them, while having his jersey in my hand.

"Shut up and stay here. And yeah, it is. It's a way to tell each person of St. Xavier's and the rival colleges that Zeehan Malhota has a girlfriend now." Aisha said.

"Firstly, what if his ex wears his jersey too? Secondly, I am not his girlfriend." I stated.

"Firstly, what makes you think he would've given his jersey to his ex? Secondly... I don't know what to say." Armaan said, chuckling during the last part.

"Okay, so stay here, read a book or two until we come to get you, cool?" Reyhan said.

"Don't move anywhere until then." Aisha stated.

"Second that." Armaan spoke.

I rolled my eyes at the three of them, before turning to look at Zeehan.

"Do you have anything to say?" I asked him.

"Take care." He smiled, before kissing my head.


"You were really good." I complimented Zeehan, while he was driving us to our date.

"Thanks." He smiled at me.

"It's another thing that I didn't really understand what was going on, but, it was fun watching you play." I stated.

"But do you know what was the best part?" I asked him.

"What was?" He asked me.

"During that break- I don't really know what it's called, but nevermind- so yeah, during that break when you took off your jersey and your upper body was exposed, ooof! That was a damn good scene. I enjoyed it more than the entire match." I told him, winking in the process.

Zeehan laughed, while shaking his head, mumbling, "What is going on in this kid's brain!"

I couldn't help but laugh along with him. The boy has a contagious laugh.

"I honestly wouldn't mind watching more of a shirtless you." I smirked at him.

"Will keep that in mind." He winked.

Zeehan pulled over a restaurant, as I turned to look at him.

"Let's go?"

"You made me wear a dress for this?" I chuckled, asking him.

"And didn't I tell you no fancy shit?"

"It isn't that fancy, Ayushi." He said, emphasising on 'that'.

"Now, shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." I smiled at him.

Zeehan got out of his seat and jogged towards my door. But me being me, I quickly pushed open the door and stood out. I felt like it was a competition I had to win.

Why am I like this?

Zeehan chuckled at me, before saying, "How did I even fall in love with you!", with a facepalm.

"My smile is really pretty." I winked at him.

"Ah, nevermind." He rolled his eyes, but nevertheless had a smile on his face.

"Come, let's go." He said, taking my hand in his and walking inside the restaurant.

Well, here goes my first date.

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