Chapter 24.

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Ayushi's POV-

"Wow." I breathed out, looking at the view infront of me.

There was a table set for two that had two yellow roses in the middle, with a beautiful view of a pool infront of it.

"If this isn't fancy, I don't know what is." I chuckled.

"Shut up." He chuckled along, before pulling a chair for me to sit.

We ordered our food, and when the waiter left, Zeehan initiated a conversation.

"Isn't it ironic how we kill flowers because we think that they're beautiful?" He asked, while I took hold of a yellow rose in my hand.

I chuckled at him before answering, "Isn't it ironic that my name is Ayushi?"

He rolled his eyes before an annoyed look found a way to his face.

"Perhaps the reason people are drawn to flowers is not only because of their outer beauty, but because they remind you beautiful things will bloom after the longest seasons of waiting." I said, smiling down at the beautiful flower in my hand.

"But why a yellow rose?" He questioned further.

"Yellow rose means remembrance."

"That hit me deeper than it should have." Zeehan stated, making me laugh.

"So, you want me to remember you everytime my eyes fall on a yellow rose?" He questioned.

"Certainly, yes, that's what I want." I said.

"I mean, this might sound selfish, but I don't want people to forget me after I die. I want them to remember me in some way or another. And, I guess, yellow roses would do it." I shrugged.

"That's not selfish, Ayushi. That's human nature. No one wants people to forget them." He told me.

"So, you won't forget me?" I asked him, smiling.

"I don't think I could ever." He smiled back.

"Anyway!" He started.

"Come with me." Zeehan walked towards my side of the table, and pulled me up before walking towards the pool.

He was wearing a white button down shirt, with black jeans and white sneakers, whereas I was wearing a black thin sleeve dress which hugged me perfectly, with black stilettos.

The boy wanted me to dress like this for our date.

Zeehan took off his shoes, before rolling up his jeans and sitting on the edge of the pool, dipping his legs into the pool.

He held his hand up for me to join him. I took off my stilettos before sitting beside him.

"It's cold!" I shrieked.

"It'll be fine. Give it some time." He said, stopping me from standing up.

The waiter kept our food on the table and left.

"Is it still cold?" Zeehan asked, splashing some water on me.

"Zee!" I laughed, hitting his arm.

We fooled around for a few minutes, before a peaceful silence enveloped us. It was good. It felt good.

"This feels so right." I whispered.

I turned to look at Zeehan, who was already looking at me. Taking a hold of his hand, I said the next few sentences.

"This feels right. Beside you. This..... I don't know how to express it, but it feels like this is all I ever wanted. Right now, here in this beautiful place, beside you."

He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it, before saying, "I love you."

A smile made its way on to my face.


"Informed?" Zeehan asked me, while we walked up to his room.

"Yeah, I texted Aisha saying I wouldn't be coming home today." I told him.

"But, I'm selecting the movie, okay?" I stated, looking at him.

"Okay, ma'am." He rolled his eyes.

We entered his room and he walked towards his wardrobe to find something for me to wear. I stared at Zeehan while he was busy searching something for me to wear.

The boy is so genuine with his feelings, it kills me not to give him the happiness he deserves.

The way Zeehan looks at me is exactly how I imagined in the books. The way he looks at me reveals that he would do absolutely anything for me. The way he looks at me tells me how much I mean to him.

Standing up from the bed, I walked to where he was standing. I caught his hand, before turning him to face me. Bringing my palm up to his face, I caressed his cheek.

I looked him in the eye, before looking at his lips and with a lot of courage in me, I leaned in. Zeehan attached his lips to mine, before pulling me closer.

I felt fireworks inside my stomach.

"God! I wanted to do this from such a long time." I chuckled, pulling away.

Zeehan chuckled along, before gently pushing me against the wardrobe. He leaned in and connected our lips again. My hands made its way up to his shirt buttons, before unbuttoning it.

"You sure you want to, Ayushi?" Zeehan asked, breaking the kiss and looking me in the eye.

"Duh! I do not want to die a virgin." I joked. He laughed, shaking his head, before resting it against mine.

"I'm sure about this, Zeehan. I'm sure about anything with you." I smiled at him.


We were two lone shooting stars travelling in this infinite space time which collided in the middle of an endless cosmos.

While falling asleep, when Zeehan's arm rested on my bare waist, I realised not everything is about sex. It's about intimacy.

I realised, it's intimacy we want.

To be touched. Looked at. Admired. Smiled at. Laugh with someone. Feel safe. Feel like someone's really got you.

That's what we crave for.

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