Chapter 10.

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Zeehan's POV-

"You know, you're pretty cute." I told her.

"Since birth." She giggled, flipping her hair.

Instead of rolling my eyes at her, like I normally do, this time I just stared at her with a smile on my face.

"My dimples make me look cute." She smiled, pointing at her dimple.

"Apparently dimples are birth defects." I said.

"Like that's the only defect in my body." She chuckled.

I looked at her, confused, and was about to ask her what she meant, but she spoke up again.

"How many girlfriends have you had?"

"What?" I laughed.

That was so random.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" She repeated her question.



"Yup. I made my first girlfriend back in ninth grade. I don't even know what I was thinking, I was just fourteen years old." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I made my second girlfriend in college."

"What happened?" She asked.

"Things didn't work out. I realised she was never the girl I wanted my girlfriend to be." I told her.

Ayushi smiled at me, before looking ahead.

"How many boyfriends have you had?"


"What?" I looked at her, surprised.

"Yeah! Surprising no? I look at myself everyday in the mirror, surprised myself, that how come I, Ayushi Shah, never had a boyfriend." She chuckled.

"Told you, your smile is annoying." I joked.

"I thought my presence is annoying?"

"Yeah, that too, but if the world ever had a competition of the most annoying things, your smile would win." I winked at her. She hit my arm, before rolling her eyes.

"Idiot." She mumbled, smiling to herself.

"Ever been in love?" I asked her.

"I fall in love all over again, every single day, with Virat Kohli." She said, having a dreamy smile on her face.

"Yo, lover girl." I snapped my fingers infront of her face, trying to get her out of her dreamland.

"Yuck. Don't call me that." She glared at me.

I rolled my eyes, before asking her again, "Have you ever fallen in love with a person who's not a celebrity?"

"Not yet, but I do want to experience how it is to be in love before I die." She smiled.

"You're speaking as if you're going to die within a couple of days." I chuckled.

"You never know. Tomorrow is promised to nobody." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Shut up."

"Anyway, have you ever been in love?"


"Is love even beautiful like the way people say it is?" She questioned.

"You would never know until you fall in love with the right person." I said, looking at her.

"What do you mean by right person?"

"Look," I started, coming to a hault, making Ayushi stop with me.

"if you fall in love with the wrong person, you get the wrong impression about love. It might not be beautiful, it would be more like a toxic relation, where the person just takes and takes, and leaves you broke from the inside." I said.

"And how do you know this?" She asked me.

"I may not look like someone who watches crappy love movies, but that's who I am." I said, which caused Ayushi to smile.

"That's cute."

I chuckled, scratching my neck, before saying, "But, you know, my mom once told me, the day we fall in love with the right person, even if the relationship breaks apart, you never stop loving that person."

"Damn. That hit me right here." She said, pointing at her heart.

"Drama queen." I smiled.

She smiled back at me before saying, "Let's get back, yeah?"


"You've been so different the past few days, something is definitely wrong, Aisha!" Reyhan told her.

I stopped Zeehan from walking any further. Both of us hid behind the car, as we saw Aisha and Reyhan speak at an audible distance.

"Isn't it so obvious, Reyhan?" Aisha asked him.

"What are you talking about?"

"My feelings for you." She confessed.

"What?" Reyhan was taken aback from her statement.

"I like you, Reyhan. A lot, I-"

"Aisha, you cannot be serious." Reyhan interrupted her.

"But I am."

"Aisha, I...." Reyhan looked like he didn't know what to say.

"It's okay if you don't feel the sa-" Aisha couldn't complete her sentence as Reyhan cut her off.

"I just need some time." He said, walking away from her.

We quickly sat inside the car and acted asleep before both Reyhan and Aisha got back. Since Zeehan was now sitting beside me, and well, the both of us occupied the entire row, Aisha had to sit in the passenger's seat.

I closed my eyes completely as I drifted off to sleep, resting my head on Zeehan's shoulder.

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