Chapter 18.

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Zeehan's POV-

"So, I noticed the way you looked at Ayushi, at dinner last night, and even during breakfast today morning." Mom started.

I choked on my rice. Gulping down my glass of water quickly, I cleared my throat before looking at mom.

"When were you going to tell me?" She questioned.

"Tell you what?" I asked her.

"Oh, come on, Zee! The boy who rarely comes into the kitchen suddenly sits on the counter yesterday." She reasoned.

"Uhm.. so?"

"You really like her. I know it."

"How do you know, mom?" I chuckled.

"I'm your mom, Zee."

"Yeah, so?"

"Mothers get to know stuff without their children telling them. It's sort of a gift from the universe, you could say." She stated.

"Well, okay." I chuckled.

"Did you tell her yet?"



"I don't know, mom. I'm just scared." I told her.

"Scared of what, Zee? Isn't it obvious that she likes you too?"

"I mean, yeah, she did confess about her having a crush on me, but it's just different and scary at the same time."


"Mom, I've fallen in love with her. She's so innocent and pure. She's someone who makes a person want to be a better version of themselves." I said, a smile making its way on my face, unknowingly.

Mom kept her hand on mine and smiled at me.

"You know Zee, things don't happen if you don't make them happen. You can't just leave everything on destiny and make it do things for you. That's not how it works. If you really want an 'us' with Ayushi, you have to tell her." She told me.


It was around 8 in the night, and here I was, standing infront of Ayushi's house.

I texted Ayushi to come out, before practicing on how I would tell her my feelings.

God, Zeehan, why're you frightened? It isn't the first time you're confessing your feelings to a girl now, is it? Then why?

I rolled my eyes at myself and waited for Ayushi.

"Hello!" She smiled, walking towards me.

"Hey." I smiled back, placing my fingers in my jean pocket.

"So, what's up?" She asked, now standing right infront of me.


"Zee, you fine?" Ayushi asked, keeping her hand on my arm.

"Uhm.. yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I managed to say.

"What brings you here at 8 in the night?" She asked me.

"You." Unknowingly it escaped from my mouth.

"What?" She chuckled.

"God." I chuckled along, running my fingers through my hair.

"You know it's so surprising that it's you. I mean, I never even thought it would be you, and here I am." I said, shaking my head while smiling.

"What're you saying, Zee?"

"God, Ayushi. You really got no idea about what you're doing to me, yeah?"

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