Chapter 25.

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Ayushi's POV-

I've never been so happy in life, ever. The past one week with Zeehan is all I would ask for as my last wish.

We've grown so close, I can't even begin to express how happy I am!

We go out everyday! Zeehan did not want to regret that he couldn't spend much time with me while I was alive. The boy showers me with kisses, hugs and so much of love.

Zeehan is an amazing guy, and as much as I want him to be happy after I die, somewhere in my heart I do not want him to move on. I know it's really selfish of me, but I cannot even think about him being with some other girl.

No, it's not about jealousy. It's just really upsetting that I wouldn't give him the happiness he deserves, and someone else would.

But, I really want him to be happy after I die. I know he'll take time to move on. It won't be easy at all for him. There'll be times where he would break down and just wish I was alive.

I know all of this, because while I was being treated in Boston, I did lose a lot of friends I made there, because of CAD.

Last night, I had been to a tattoo shop. I got Zeehan's initials inked on my wrist. I know this is of no use as I'm going to die in a few weeks, but I wanted to.

The tattoo is for him to know how much he means to me.

I haven't shown him the tattoo yet, but when we meet today, I will. I know for a fact that he's going to have a really huge smile on his face when he sees it.

No boy ever meant so much to me as Zeehan.

It's just that I can't tell him how much he means to me. I'm not that expressive as a person, but, I am compensating for it. I wrote a letter for Zeehan in the scrapbook I made for him, which I'd hand over to him on my death bed. I want him to read it after I die. I've been really genuine about my feelings in there, and I just want him to know all of it.

I love him, so much.

Yes, I've never told him that, but I will, today.

Zeehan and I planned to go out for dinner today, post which we'll go to our secret hideout, where I'd taken him previously; the garden.

I also made it very clear to Zeehan that after I die, I don't want him to come sit near the tree everyday, because I know he would cry. I clearly specified to him that only on our birthdays is he allowed to come visit me. Maybe, more than that too, but not always.

Anyway, I was about to get ready for dinner. I stood infront of my mirror, in my tank top and pyjama shorts.

"What if I go like this?"

"Go get ready Ayushi." I spoke, shaking my head.

While I was walking towards my wardrobe, I suddenly felt a lot of pressure in my heart. It started hurting, my chest started hurting. I couldn't breathe properly.

I managed to walk towards my bed and sit on it.

"Mom." I breathed out. I was now crying because of the pain. It was extreme. I've never experienced this before.

"Dad!" I managed to screamed.

I dropped the nearest vase, so that they could hear the sound.


Dad, mom and Aisha rushed towards me.

"It's paining." I cried, clutching my top.

"Aah! I can't breathe." I screamed, while crying more. I felt suffocated.

"Aisha, go start the car!" Dad ordered her, before carrying me and walking down the stairs.

Each and every part of my body was hurting by now. Every time I tried to breathe, my chest pain escalated. But that was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling in my heart.

Somewhere, I thought, maybe, this was it.

I saw tears in everyone's eyes, before everything turned black.

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