Chapter 8.

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Zeehan's POV-

"But we have a week off!" Reyhan argued.

"I agree with him." Aisha said, pumping her fist with Reyhan, as I rolled my eyes at them. Obviously she would agree with him.

"Okay, wait, let's ask Choco." I said, as Ayushi walked down the stairs, now changed into a really loose and a long sweater, her shorts hardly being visible.

"Ask Choco what?" Ayushi questioned.

"So we have a week off because of some all India meet at our college. Reyhan and I are suggesting a roadtrip to Mahabaleshwar, whereas Zee and Armaan are stuck to Lonavla. So now you decide, Mahabaleshwar or Lonavla?" Aisha clearly stated.

Ayushi, who was now sitting on the couch, with her legs crossed, looked at all of us, before saying, "You guys are going, so you decide."

She shrugged her shoulders and took hold of the remote before switching the T.V on.

"You're coming too." Armaan said.

She looked at us, as if we had horns grown on our head.

"Said who?" She questioned.

"Said Zeehan Malhotra." I stated, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

"Trust me, I'll ruin your trip." She chuckled, before turning her attention back to the T.V screen.

"Said who?" I repeated her words.

"Said Ayushi Shah." She said, winking at me, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Ayushi, we really want you to come!" Reyhan said.

She smiled at him before saying, "Both are hill stations."

"So?" I asked her.

"High altitudes can cause low saturation levels or sometimes desaturation of an individual's blood." She stated.

Why is she even saying this?

"How is this related to you?" I asked her.

"Breathing problem. Especially high altitudes." She said.

"And Mahabaleshwar is somewhere around one thousand metres or something, I might just die." She said, chuckling.

I looked over at Aisha, who looked at Ayushi with a small smile.

More like a sad smile.

"But Lonavla is somewhere around six hundred metres, if I'm not wrong." Armaan said.

"Yeah, but I won't be able to walk for a long time, even at around six hundred metres." Ayushi smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"It's okay, I'll carry you." I blurted out.

What the hell, Zeehan?

"Chill, you don't have to. You guys enjoy your trip. I seriously don't want to spoil it." She said, before turning her attention back to the T.V screen again.


"I can't believe I gave in." Ayushi said, rolling her eyes, now packing her clothes.

"You see, that's Zeehan Malhotra's charm." I said, smirking at her.

"Such a narcissist." She mumbled under her breath.

"Does not change the fact that you like this narcissist." I teased her.

"There's a difference between liking someone and having a crush on someone, okay? I do not like you, I have a crush on you, you stupid fool." She said, looking at me with her hands on her hips.

"You just accepted that you're crushing on me." I said, standing up from her bed and walking towards her.

Ayushi flushed red.

"Ass." She murmured before packing her stuff again.

"And, why're you even in my room?" She asked, walking towards the dressing table to gather some things.

She turned around and I stood right in front of her, blocking her way.

"To give you company." I stated.

"Yeah, but I didn't ask for it." She said, rolling her eyes.

Ayushi was about to walk away, when I caught her wrist and gently pushed her against the wall, keeping one of my palms on the wall.

"Don't you think you're turning into Zeehan and I'm turning into Ayushi?" I asked.

"Except for the fact, that the real Zeehan is really good looking, and I'm not as annoying as the real Ayushi." I added.

Ayushi stood there, trying to control her smile, but failed.

"Also, keeping in mind, that Ayushi's smile is really pretty, and yours is not." She said, smiling at me.

"More like annoying." I chuckled.

"But yeah, I would give some credit to those cute dimples." I continued, poking her dimple.

"Seems like I'm interrupting something." Reyhan said, smirking at the two of us.

"Dude, she was so close to asking me out, you totally ruined it, Reyhan."

"I wasn't!" Ayushi said, loudly, her cheeks turning red.

"Shit, I'm so sorry! Do you want me to come later?" He played along.

Ayushi glared at us.

"Nah, it's okay. Now that you've come, you might as well continue with why you came here in the first place." I said, now pushing my fingers inside my jean pocket.

"Just wanted to ask whether we're taking my car or yours?" He questioned.

"Let's take mine. Also, did you book a farmhouse?" I asked him.

"All set." He assured.

"Peace, peace." I mumbled, now turning to look at Ayushi.

"Well then, I'll get going, you guys continue... with whatever you were doing." He said, winking at Ayushi.

"We weren't doing anything!" Ayushi exclaimed, her face literally turning into a deep shade of red.

"So, where were we?" I joked, looking at Ayushi, once Reyhan had left.

"Nowhere! Now get out of my room." She exclaimed, trying to stop her grin, while walking over to her bag.

She packed a few more things before closing her bag.

"I'm done." She smiled.

"You want to come home?" I asked her, taking a cigarette out of my pocket.

"You can chill with Choco while I pack my bag."

She walked over to me, grabbed the cigarette out of my mouth, and threw it out of the window.

"Oooops." She said, looking at me with an innocent expression on her face.

"I was about to light it up. I don't know how it fell out of the window." She added.

I shook my head, smiling, before asking, "Are you coming?"

"It's about time for Choco to meet Choco."

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