Chapter 13.

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Zeehan's POV-

"You know guys, we should do this more often." Armaan said.

It was 11 in the night, and we were out in the garden, having a bonfire with barbecue. While everyone said a yes or cheered, Ayushi smiled looking at all of us.

"Reyhan!" I called out.

"Yeah?" He asked, jogging upto me.

"Just take care of these, I'll be back in a minute." I said, walking away from the barbecue stand and to where Ayushi was sitting.

"Yo, lover girl." I stated, sitting beside her.

"You're annoying." She chuckled.

"Not as annoying as your smile."

She smiled at me and I couldn't help thinking how beautiful her smile actually is.

"Enjoying?" I asked her.

"I am. A lot." She said.

"Honestly, you guys are amazing. It's so nice to see all of you just get along and have fun. Armaan's jokes, Aisha's complains, Reyhan's commentary- it's so fun!" She said, looking at all of them and grinning.

"And me?" I whispered.

"You what?"

"You spoke about everyone except me."

"I don't know." She said, looking down while biting her lip. I tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked up at me.

"Is this some kind of a movie?" She laughed.

I smiled at her before Reyhan got us plates filled with barbecued food. The rest of them joined us quickly.

We were all seated around the bonfire, passing the plates of food, when Ayushi said, "Okay, I want to know your first impression about me."

I choked on the chicken.

My first impression about her wasn't a good one. I remember calling her one annoying bitch. Little did I know, I'd start liking her.

Aisha, Armaan and Reyhan laughed at me, because, obviously, they too knew my first impression about her.

"Starting off with Aisha." Ayushi said.

"What? I was just two years when you were born." Aisha chuckled.

"But still, you'd have some impression, like, 'yayy, I'll get to play with her', or something like, 'ew, now I have to share my toys with her'." Ayushi shrugged.

"Well, I didn't get to see you for the first four days after you were born, but on the fifth day when I saw you, I had tears in my eyes and I hugged you. This is what mom said, I don't really know though." Aisha laughed, saying the last sentence.

Ayushi smiled at her before shifting her gaze towards Armaan.

"So, I always wanted a little sister. I'm the only son, so I don't even know how it feels to have a sibling, but I remember, I always wanted a younger sister. And, when I saw you the other day, you were what I pictured my younger sister to be like." Armaan smiled at her.

Ayushi grinned at him, before standing up from her spot and walking towards where he was sitting. She gave him a tight hug, whispered something in his ear, to which he chuckled, and walked back to her place.

"Reyhan?" She asked.

Reyhan laughed, before saying, "I thought you were really pretty and yeah, I was sort of attracted to you."

I looked at Aisha, who showed no expressions at all. She had a blank face on while she looked at him.

"But then, you started crushing on Zee, and yeah, I left it there. Like, when I saw Aisha for the first time, I had a strong attraction towards her as well, which later turned into strong feelings. But then, she was always with Zeehan, so I didn't really think she'd feel the same for me. The only difference I'd say is, for Aisha, it was way more than just attraction. They were feelings I never lost." He ended, looking at Aisha while saying the last sentence.

"Honestly, you guys should talk it out." Ayushi told them.

"I see great future ahead of you guys. Don't mess it up. Please." She smiled at them, before turning towards me.

"What was your first impression about me?" She questioned.

The silence that enveloped us a few minutes back after Reyhan's confession was all gone now. The three of them started laughing again as Ayushi looked at them with a confused face.

"You really want to know?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I mean, how bad could it be?"

Just when that sentence left her mouth, the three of them started laughing again.

"Why're you guys laughing? Was it that bad?" She asked them.

"These were his exact words- One annoying bitch kept bugging me about how smoking isn't good for me. God, she had this annoying smile on her face and wasn't even ready to leave my side." Aisha said, trying to imitate me, before laughing again.

Ayushi had a surprised look on her face.

"Was I that annoying?" She asked me.

"Well, you just randomly walked upto me and began lecturing me. Hell yeah, that was annoying." I reasoned.

"Am I anymore though?" She smiled.

"Nah, just your smile." I lied.

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