A Yellow Rose.

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~5 years later~

Zeehan's POV-

"Sir, we got a meeting at 4 p.m. today with AzTecs Limited." My secretary informed me, walking inside my cabin.

"Meghna, didn't I inform you that I wouldn't be able to attend meetings between three to five today?" I questioned.

"Reschedule it to 5:30 p.m."

"Yes sir." She nodded.

"Also, did you finish the duty I assigned to you?" I asked her, going through an important file.

"Yes sir. Our team has distributed food packets to two hundred people on the streets." She informed me.

"Alright, thank you. You can leave." I smiled at her.

"Yes sir." So saying, she walked out of the cabin.

I went through the file, marked an abrupt fault in the financial statement before keeping it on my table.

My eyes fell on Ayushi's photo frame. I picked it up and smiled at it while touching the photo.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, yeah?" I spoke, before keeping it on my table again.

I cleaned my table before standing up and walking out of my cabin.

Just as my driver saw me walk out of the office, he made his way towards the driver's seat. I stopped him and took the car keys. I sat in, adjusted the seat and drove away.

Like always, I stopped at a flower boutique to buy a yellow rose.

Yellow rose means remembrance.

That's what Ayushi said.

There was a departmental store next to the boutique. I walked in, and after picking up a Gold Flake packet, I made my way towards the candy aisle to get some mint.

While choosing between spearmint and peppermint, I heard a voice next to me.

"You look too decent for a guy who smokes."

That was Ayushi's first words to me.

I turned to look at that person. Leaning against the candy stand, stood a girl with black shoulder length hair, with a smile on her face.

"Smoking kills, it's given on the box." She pointed out.

But instead of how I replied to Ayushi, I smiled back at the girl, before saying, "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."

She smiled at me and was about to leave, but stopped.

"Oh, by the way, peppermint is great."

I chuckled thinking about how Ayushi had said the same thing, but I bought spearmint instead. But, this time, I grabbed a peppermint candy. I smiled at the girl, before making my way to the cash counter.

Post buying the mint, I quickly made my way to our secret- well, not so secret now- spot.

I parked the car and stepped out before walking into the garden.

I could spot the only tree in the garden from a very far distance too. Since the time we've burried Ayushi underneath it, it's been growing really tall.

"Happy Birthday!" I spoke, standing infront of the tree.

"How're you?" I asked, trying my best not to cry.

"I'm doing well, but if you were here, I would've been doing great..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I know, it's not possible.... but sometimes I just want to lay beside you with you in my arms, I want to listen to you breathe, to kiss your face softly and to run my fingers through your hair. I want to feel your hand on my torso, pulling me closer. I want that deep eye contact. Also, have I ever told you, you have beautiful eyes?" I asked, chuckling while saying the last sentence.

"And that smile. I know, I annoyed you too much by saying you have an annoying smile, but we both knew that wasn't true. You have the most beautiful smile. You looking away while smiling only to have me turn your chin and kiss you more- I want the laughter and the vulnerable moments."

"Yeah, yeah, I sound like a broken record, I know." I chuckled, as tears dropped down my face.

"And yeah, I've said it a million times before, but if I had to, I'd say it a million times more; and never would it lose its weight. I miss you."

"I wish to be here with you again, but that was the last time you were in my arms. I wish that my life could be a bit more different. I wish I'm not upset like this.... but somewhere I'm glad that I am upset. It means I'm living...... just without you."

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face.

"It's been five years since you passed away, and every time I'm here, I just can't stop crying." I cried more.

"God, Ayushi, please come back. I need you." I cried, running my fingers through my hair.

"You know the irony of love? You realise how much you love them only after they've gone." I cried, wiping my tears away.

"You know, no one ever stops loving someone. Not in the real sense anyway. You remember everything. You may not get those feelings anymore- that giddy feeling after looking at them; that feeling when you become out of breath after kissing them, but have all the energy, even if you walked miles together- and that feeling of helplessness after they're gone." I breathed out.

"There are a few things about love you don't forget- the first time you looked at them, the first thing they said to you, the first time you held their hand, kissed them, held them close to you."

I smiled through my tears before continuing.

"And, here's what I have learnt about love after years of its absence- it takes every fibre from your body to love a person."

"I'm trying my best, Ayushi. It's just that I'm unable to move on, and somewhere in my heart, I just don't want to." I sighed, touching her ring which hung around my neck.

"You remember I once told you what my mom told me?- the day we fall in love with the right person, even if the relationship breaks apart, you never stop loving that person- and guess, I can never stop loving you."

I ran my fingers through my hair, before taking out a cigarette from my pocket and lighting it up.

"Don't worry, I do not smoke a lot. It's just when I'm upset or tensed, and that's really rare." I assured her.

The cigarette was about to touch my lips but fell out of my fingers at the very last moment, due to, one, a warm breeze of wind, two, it being held at the tip of my fingers.

I couldn't help but chuckle thinking about Ayushi.

"Sorry ma'am."

"Oh, by the way, Armaan got engaged to Tahira, a friend of his, and, Reyhan and Aisha are getting married next month." I informed her.

"We all miss you, Ayushi." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair again.

"I know you're with us, maybe looking at us from above, or maybe, you're right beside me now. I just wish I knew." I said, touching the tree.

Right then a leaf fell from the tree and landed on my hand. I didn't know whether it was just a coincidence or it was Ayushi assuring me that she was right beside me.

Anyway, I'd like to believe the latter.

"Well, then, it's time for me to leave. I have a meeting. I'll see you after seven months, on my birthday, okay?" I said, wiping the tears that spilled from my eyes.

"I love you, Ayushi. Always will."

I walked out of the garden not before keeping her gift below the tree.

Something that she loved so dearly.

Something that defined her the best.

Something that reminds not only me, but everyone about her.

A yellow rose.

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