Chapter 26.

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Zeehan's POV-

I looked around at everyone present in Ayushi's room. Aunty and uncle looked numb. My mom as well as Divit's, tried comforting them.

Aisha was crying, and Reyhan tried calming her down.

Armaan was staring at Ayushi, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, with tears in his eyes.

Divit sat on the couch with his head resting on his palms. I could see his tears fall on the ground.

Dad and a nurse were checking on Ayushi.

And then, there was me. A complete mess.

"Can y'all please come out with me? I have something important to talk about." Dad said, taking all of us out with him.

"How many more hours has she got?" Uncle asked, coming straight to the point.

Dad sighed, before saying, "Hardly an hour or two after she wakes up. Her heart is almost at the verge of giving up."

Uncle closed his eyes as tears slid down his face.

"She might wake up any minute now. Y'all can go meet her." Dad informed.

Right then the nurse walked out of Ayushi's room.

"Dr. Malhotra, she's up." She informed. He nodded at her before turning to look at all of us.

"Y'all can go inside. But please make sure not to speak in a loud voice."

"Thanks, Dr. Malhotra." Uncle nodded at him, before he caught aunty's hand and made his way inside the room. While everyone else followed him in, I slid down against the wall.

"Zee." Dad sighed, making his way towards me.

I kept my head on my palm and cried.

"I can't go in there, dad."

"I can't see her like that." I added, looking up at him.

"Zee, it's not in my hands. I tried my best to do everything to save her life. It was written in her destiny to leave us this early." Dad tried comforting me.

But honestly, that wasn't of any help. His words only made me cry more.

"Just... please just leave me alone." I whispered.

Dad sighed, but nodded his head anyway, before standing up and walking into Ayushi's room.

Why does she have to leave so early? Why can't she just live for a couple of more days? There were so many questions in my head, but I didn't have answers.

I just wanted her to live.

I just wanted a forever with her.

I cried even more thinking about what I'd do after she's gone.


I was still sitting on the hospital floor, when everyone walked out of Ayushi's room.

Armaan walked up to me, and hugged me. I closed my eyes as the tears slipped down my face.

"She wants to meet you." He whispered.

"I can't see her like that." I told him.

"This is the last time you'd be seeing her, Zee. This is the last time she'd be seeing you. Please, go in."

I ran my fingers through my hair, before standing up on my feet. I took a deep breath before walking inside her room.

Ayushi was laying on the bed, but as soon as she saw me, she extended her hand towards me. I slowly walked towards her bed, and sat down on the chair beside it.

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