Chapter 6.

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Zeehan's POV-

"This is so good!" Ayushi said, before popping one more momo into her mouth. I stood there, chuckling at her.

"You really don't want to eat? Atleast one?"

"I swear to god, Ayushi, I'm not hungry." I said, smiling at her.

"You're missing out on something great!" She said.

"I've had these in the afternoon." I reminded her.

"But still! How can someone say no to momos?"

Shaking my head, I chuckled at her again, before asking, "You enjoy momos so much?"

"I love momos! Not just momos, I love junk food." She said.

"Seems the total opposite." I stated, looking at her.

"I lost almost 20kgs in the last two years." She told me.

"What?" I asked, totally shocked.

20kgs? What the hell?

"Yup. Back in 10th grade, I weighed around 75kgs."

"And what happened next?"

"Well, Boston happened." She chuckled.

"Oh right, aunty told us you were in a boarding school."

She looked confused for about two seconds, before her face showed an expression of realisation.

"Oh yeah, right right." She said before she popped the last momo inside her mouth.

She opened her purse to pay, but stopped as soon as I said, "It's already paid."


"Yeah, let's go." I smiled, before pulling her away from the cart.

"No Zeehan, you didn't have to pay for it. This isn't right." She argued.

"Chill, it's just fifty-"

"Fifty rupees is a huge amount for some people." She cut me off, and looked at the beggars who sat on the street.

Quickly walking back to the momo cart, she asked the man to pack momos before she handed those packets to the people sitting on the street.

There was a huge smile on Ayushi's face everytime she handed a packet to a different person.

She walked back to where I was standing with a constant smile on her face.

"Next time, instead of spending fifty rupees on someone who's already fortunate enough, spend the same amount on someone who sleeps empty stomach or on someone who's in need of it." She smiled, while looking at them eat.

She turned her attention towards me and asked, "Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

We sat in the car and were on our way to her house, when she asked me to stop the car, all of a sudden.

"Stop! Stop!" She shouted.

"Are you okay?"

"Park the car somewhere here, please please." She pleaded, alternatively looking at me and out of the window.

I mumbled an okay before parking the car. Ayushi ran out of the car as soon as I parked it. I couldn't help but laugh at the reason why she ran like that.

"Cotton candy, seriously?" I asked, now standing beside her.

"You want one?" She asked me, grinning like a kid. I shook my head as if saying no. She bought one cotton candy from the man and then turned towards me.

"Can we sit there for a couple of minutes if you don't mind?" She asked me.

"Not at all. Come let's go." I said, before walking towards where she had initially pointed.

"Did you ever imagine being at Marine Drive, munching on cotton candy with your ideal crush beside you?" I joked.

She laughed before saying, "Never."

"Guess you're lucky, Ayushi." I shrugged. She smiled looking ahead, but unlike before, this time her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"You know, you can call me Choco." She said.

"Choco is my dog's name." I chuckled.

"You have a dog?" She asked, excitedly.

"Yup. A Chow Chow."

"Oh my god! You have a freaking Chow Chow!" She exclaimed, getting more excited.

"You like dogs?"

"I love dogs! Especially Pugs and Chow Chows. They're the cutest."

"Come home some day, I'll introduce you to Choco." I told her.

"Would totally love when one Choco meets another Choco." She chuckled.

"But you know, you can still call me Choco. Everyone calls me Choco, well except D, he calls me Ayu." She said, smiling to herself.

"Who's D?" I questioned.

"D is Divit, my bestfriend." She told me.

I nodded at her before saying, "So Choco it is?"

"Choco it is." She smiled.

"Also, you can call me Zee, instead of Zeehan."

"Why? Does Zee make you sound cool?" She teased.

"Certainly yes." I stated, which caused her to laugh.

"Zee it is then."

We stayed there for another thirty minutes before walking back to the car.

"You want to go anywhere else?" I asked Ayushi, who was busy looking out of the window.

"I guess, I've annoyed you enough today." She smiled.

"Aisha texted saying Reyhan and Armaan left." Ayushi informed me.

"I thought they drove home with you?" She added.

"No, they got their cars today, so only Aisha drove with me to your house." I told her.

"So, you and Aisha, huh?" She questioned.

"What? No!" I laughed.

"Why not?" She asked, turning towards me.

"Aisha likes Reyhan. Why do you think she gets pissed whenever Reyhan flirts with you?" I asked her.

"Oh, shit. I thought Aisha was just kidding."

"There's no kidding when it comes to Reyhan."

"And Reyhan does not know about it?" She questioned.

"I don't think so. I mean, if he did, he would've spoken to Aisha about it, right?"

"That's there. So there's nothing between you and Aisha?" She asked again.

"Aisha is my bestfriend." I chuckled.

"Well, okay." She shrugged her shoulders.

That was the end of our conversation.

We reached Ayushi's house and I stopped the car outside the gate.

"Well, thank you and goodnight." She smiled at me. I mumbled a goodnight back to her as she stepped out of the car.

"Choco!" I called her out, before she could unlock the gate.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking at me.

"Your smile isn't that annoying also."

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