Chapter 16.

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Ayushi's POV-

"I'm sorry." I said, looking at everyone.

"For what?" Armaan asked, chuckling.

"You guys were having such an amazing time and I just spoiled it." Guilt washed over me. I honestly didn't want to ruin it for them.

"Aye. Shut up. You didn't spoil anything." He said and ruffled my hair.

"Don't overthink. We'll leave you to rest now." Reyhan smiled at me, before getting off the bed. Armaan and Aisha followed him out of the room.

"I'm sorry." Zeehan sighed, sitting beside me.

"It wasn't your fault, Zee. What're you sorry for, douche?" I chuckled.

"I should've been careful, Ayushi. I should've remembered you aren't allowed to consume anything that contains dairy." He said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Zee, listen to me." I said, sitting up straight and taking a hold of his hand in mine.

"It wasn't your fault. Infact, you shouldn't feel guilty at all. It was clearly my fault. I should've asked you before consuming the tea. Stop blaming yourself for nothing." I told him.

"But still-"

"Shut up." I chuckled.

"I'll get going, you need some rest." He said, and was about to get off the bed when I caught his arm.

"I do not. I'm fine now. Honestly, I want to get off the bed." I told him.

Before he could say anything, I spoke again.

"Can we go out for breakfast?"


"Please, Zee. Please."

"Ayushi, no-"

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please."

"You need to res-"

"Please, Zee. Please."

"Okay, fine, fine." He gave in.


"I'll have an iced tea, a bowl of melons and a slice of pita bread." I told the waiter.

He nodded at us and walked away to get our food.

"Isn't it difficult?" Reyhan asked me.

"What is?" I questioned him back.

"Having a proper what-to-eat and what-not-to-eat diet?"

I chuckled at him before saying, "Yes, it is, but I can't do anything about it."

He nodded at me before shifting his gaze towards Aisha, who was talking to Armaan.

I looked at Zeehan and noticed him already looking at Reyhan. He turned to look at me, smirked, and looked back at Reyhan again.

I coughed to get everyone's attention.

"So, Reyhan." I started.

"You know Aisha likes yo-"

"Choco, shut up." Aisha glared at me. I rolled my eyes at her before continuing.

"So, as I was saying, you know Aisha likes you, and last night you confessed that you still have feelings for her."

"Yeah, but where are you taking this?" Reyhan asked.

"Just date already, guys." I facepalmed, rolling my eyes.

"Choco!" Aisha scolded me.

"Shut up, Aisha. Come on guys, you both are not kids. Both of you like each other, you guys know what's best for you. What're you even waiting for?" Zeehan supported me.

"You know what? I have an idea." I said, which made them look at me.

"After we have our breakfast, the three of us will get back to the farmhouse, and you both could carry on with a date." I suggested.

"Plus one on that." Armaan agreed with me.

"Plus two on that, actually." Zeehan said, agreeing with me too.

The three of us looked between Aisha and Reyhan.

Aisha was about to say something, but Reyhan cut her off.

"Uhm.. Aisha, would, you know, go out on a date with me?" He asked, scratching his neck.

"Aww, cutie." I giggled.

Aisha had turned into a deep shade of red now.

"Yeah, uhm... yeah, let's see how it goes." She agreed.

As Armaan and Zeehan cheered, I smiled at Aisha.

"Your kids will thank me." I commented, making both Aisha and Reyhan blush.

Soon enough our breakfast arrived and we dug in. Conversations were made throughout breakfast and it felt nice being here, with them. Their constant teasings, laughs and comments made it pretty easy to mingle with all of them. They were beautiful people inside out, and I guess, I'm just lucky to have them in my life.

While I was busy looking at them laugh, Zeehan softly kept his hand on mine and smiled.

I think, my crush is developing more into a foreign feeling. Something that I haven't experienced before.

A feeling that I'm scared to let him know.

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