Chapter 15.

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Zeehan's POV-

"How long until the sun rises?" Ayushi asked, keeping her cup down.

"I don't know, maybe ten minutes?"

"So, what do we do to cover up ten minutes?" She questioned.

"We can do a lot in ten minutes." I smirked at her. Not going to lie, but she blushed profusely.

"I meant, in a non sexual manner." She said.

"I never mentioned anything being sexual." I pointed out.

"But both of us know what you meant." She retorted.

"Nah. You thought that, not me."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She's one cutie.

"So, Ayushi." I started.

"Yes, Zeehan?"

"Is this a date?"

"Certainly not."

"And why is that so?"

"Because, one, you haven't asked me out on a date, and second, a date involves only two people, not five." She said.

"What makes you think that I'd ask you out on a date?" I smirked.

"You mentioning this as a date." She smirked back.

"I would've asked you out if your smil-"

"Okay, shut up, you annoying douche." She said, hitting my arm.

"Call me an annoying douche one more time and I'll show you." I warned her.

"Show me what?" She smirked.

"I didn't mean it sexually, Ayushi."

"I never mentioned anything being sexual." She repeated my sentence.

"I see what you did there." I chuckled.

"You're still an annoying douche, just saying."

I was about to catch her wrist but she jumped off the hood and ran away from me.

The two of us ran around the car. Me, trying to catch her, while, Ayushi, trying to get away.

I finally got a hold of her wrist and pinned her on to the car door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked her, breathing heavily.

She giggled before saying, "Away from you."

"You'll never get away from me." I whispered, looking into her eyes.

"Time will tell." She smiled.

I chuckled at her before resting my forehead against hers. Ayushi looked behind me and a huge smile made its way on her face.

"The sunrise?" I asked, still looking at her.

"Yeah. It's gorgeous." She said, looking at it.

"Indeed is." I stated, looking at her instead.

Ayushi didn't even notice this as she was busy admiring the sunrise behind me. I left both her hands and stepped aside for her to take a proper look at it.

She walked a few steps ahead before stopping in her tracks and smiling at the sun.

And this was a beautiful scene. Ayushi really does have a beautiful smile. A smile that could calm you down. A smile that could make your stomach to a cartwheel. A smile that is so enchanting.

I really did fall for the girl with the most beautiful smile.

Yeah, I like her. A lot.

Ayushi looked really happy while staring at the sun.

Until now.

"Ayushi?" I ran up to her.

She kneeled down and rested her palms on her forehead, breathing heavily.

"Ayushi, what's wrong?" I asked her, panicking. I rubbed her back and was hoping for it to work.

"Aisha..." Ayushi managed to say.

"Aisha! Aisha!" I screamed.

Aisha looked at us, before running towards where we were sitting. Reyhan and Armaan following her suit.

"What happened to her?" Aisha asked, panic rushing through her.

"I don't know, she was looking at the sunrise and suddenly couldn't breathe properly." I told her, scared myself.

She got her bag out of the car before sitting infront of Ayushi. She took out an air inhaler and handed it to Ayushi. But, Ayushi gently pushed it away.

"Lo-Lovast-...." She breathed.

Aisha understood what she meant and quickly took out a tablet and a bottle of water. She quickly put the tablet in Ayushi's mouth before pouring in water. She then pulled Ayushi into her before rubbing her chest lightly.

"Did she consume anything oily or anything with milk?" Aisha asked, now being her calm self.

"No, she- Oh wait. We had a hot cup of tea while waiting for the sun to rise." I remembered.

"She wouldn't have realised about the milk in the tea. That, plus, she didn't take her tablets in the morning, so it escalated." Aisha stated.

I looked at Ayushi, who had her eyes closed and was now breathing at a normal pace.

"Can we get back to the farmhouse? Let her sleep properly." I said, turning to look at the boys.

Before they could reply, Aisha spoke, "No, no, chill. There's no need of it. She's fine now."

"No, but still. Let's just get back." Armaan said, caressing Ayushi's head.

"She needs proper sleep." He added.

"I'll start the car. Zee, carry her." Reyhan said, before jogging towards the car.

I carried Ayushi carefully. Her eyelids were half open, noticing the things going on.

She leaned into me when we were sat in the car. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to me, while my other hand ran through her hair.

"I'll be fine." I heard her whisper.

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