Chapter 5.

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Ayushi's POV-

I parked the car under Divit's building, before walking up to the elevator. While it took almost forever to come, a thought of using the staircase striked my mind, but then again, Divit's house was on the 12th floor.

The elevator finally opened and soon enough I was standing right infront of my bestfriend's house.

The boy has no idea at all. He thinks I'm still in Boston.

I rang the bell and waited for the door to open.

Yashaswi aunty, Divit's mother, opened the door, and a huge smile formed on her face. I indicated her to keep quiet before hugging her tightly.

"Ayu, long time! How're you?" Aunty asked, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm good, how're you?"

"All good, sweetheart. Does D have an idea about you coming?" She questioned.

"Not even a bit. It's a surprise for him." I grinned.

"Oh, well, he's in his room now. Go." She said, smiling. I smiled back at her before walking to Divit's room.

The door of his room was slightly open, giving me an insight of what he was doing.

Divit was lying on his stomach on the bed. Quietly, I walked over to his bed and sat at the edge.

I noticed he was stalking some girl.

Same old Divit, I tell you.

I leaned over slightly, before saying, "She's hot, huh."

Divit turned to look at me, and his face gave away how surprised he was. He quickly put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, hugging me.

"Oh my god, Ayu, I missed you so much." He stated, still hugging me. I chuckled before saying, "I missed you too, D!"

He pulled away to look at my face before pulling me into him again.

"I actually can't believe you're here!" He exclaimed, which caused me to laugh.

I got off him and turned my attention towards his phone. Grabbing it, I asked him, "So, who's she?"

"My girlfriend." He smiled.

"Oh my god! Divit Mehra has a girlfriend now? I went to Boston for just two years, and you've already made a girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah." He stated, chuckling.

"Anyway, chuck this." He added.

"What happened in Boston?" Divit questioned.

"What scenes with your under graduation?" I counter questioned.

"Well, I got admitted to NALSAR." He said.

"Law and all, damn." I said, quite impressed and proud of him.

"And what about your girlfriend?"

"Shruthi has got into NALSAR too." He told me.


"Oh my god! You're going to Hyderabad?" I questioned, my eyes wide open now.

"I'll come to meet you, chill. And let's get back to the main topic now, shall we?"

"That is?"

"What happened in Boston?"

And I couldn't help but smile at him.


Divit and I spoke for another two hours before I decided to go home.

"Now that you're here, come home often, okay?"

"Yeah aunty, definitely." I smiled at her.

"Bye, D. Come home tomorrow."

"I will. Bye Ayu." I bid them goodbye and made my way towards my car.

The minute I reached home, a strong smell of chocolate icecream hit my nostrils.

"Hi Choco! Want some?" Reyhan said, offering me some of his chocolate icecream.

I looked at it, and was so tempted to eat it, but I cannot.

I looked over at mom and Aisha who looked at me sadly. I smiled at them before turning my attention back to Reyhan.

"I'm not supposed to have icecream." I told him, giving him a small smile.

"Why is that so?"

"Dairy product allergy." I replied.

"That sucks."

"Absolutely." I said, looking at the chocolate ice cream in his bowl.

"How was your meeting with Divit?" Mom asked, diverting my attention from the chocolate icecream.

"It was amazing. He was super surprised to see me there. Also, he's got admission in NALSAR! Can you believe it? That's one of the best law colleges in India!" I exclaimed, happily.

"That's great." Mom said.

"What are you planning to study further?" This time Armaan questioned.

I didn't have an answer to that.

"Nothing." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"As in, I haven't decided anything yet. Probably would take a break." I added, when the boys looked confused.

"Oh, that's nice."

"What are you guys planning to do next?" I asked them, now sitting on the couch beside Reyhan.

"Post graduation." Said Armaan.

"Same, I guess." Reyhan stated.

I looked at Zeehan next.

"I guess, join mom's business." He shrugged.

"That's nice."

"Also, Choco, are you planning to study in India or go back to USA?" Reyhan asked.

"Let's see. I'm not sure of anything as of now." I told him.

"Uh, Choco, did you find a momo shop?" Aisha questioned, changing the topic.

"Shit, I totally forgot about momos!"

"Aisha, please let's go get some momos, please." I pleaded.

"I really don't know that place. Zeehan drove us there."

"Where's the place?" I asked him.

"I'm craving for momos, like I'm ready to drive anywhere!" I added.

He chuckled, before saying, "Come, I'll take you."

"Seriously?" I asked, getting all excited to eat momos after two whole years.

"I am. Come let's go." He said, keeping his bowl on the table before standing from the couch. I grabbed my purse from the table and followed him.

"We'll be back soon."

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