Chapter 1.

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Zeehan's POV-

"Zee, wake up. She's looking at you." Someone whispered while nudging me rigorously.

"I'm just so good looking, I can't help it." A sleepy me replied.

"Zeehan Malhotra!"

My eyes shot open and I saw Mrs. Gupta standing right infront of me, with an annoyed look on her face.

"How dare you sleep in my class again? Pack your stuff and get out." She shouted again.

"Sorry Mrs. Gupta. I swear to god I won't repeat it again." I said, now standing, and literally begging her to not kick me out of the class.

"No, I'm done with you. Get out!"


I was cut off by the sound of the bell, which indicated that the last class of the day was done.

"Well, if you insist." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

After quickly putting all my stuff in my bag, I rushed towards the door of the classroom. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"Bye Mrs. Gupta." I said, winking at her before rushing out.


"Zee, did you really wink at Mrs. Gupta?" Aisha asked, approaching me.

"I was just speaking to him about that. She flushed red!" Reyhan said, from beside me.

"And before you assume anything, no she wasn't blushing, she flushed red because of anger." Aisha commented.

"Whatever." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Guys, I heard Zee winked at Mrs. Gupta, is it true?" Armaan asked, walking towards us.

"Absolutely." Aisha stated.

"Not surprised to be honest." Armaan said, causing me to chuckle.

"Okay, what're we waiting for? Can we leave?"

"Yeah, let's go." Armaan replied to my question.

The three of them gathered in my car and we were on our way to Aisha's house.

"Stop at a flower boutique on the way." Aisha said.

"Ooo. Flowers and all, huh? For whom?" I smirked at her through the rear view mirror.

"It's for my sister, Zee." She said, rolling her eyes.

"From when did you have a sister?" Reyhan questioned.

"Since the minute she was born." Aisha replied, rolling her eyes again.

"But you never mentioned anything about her." He pointed.

"Maybe, I never felt the need to." She said.

"Also, she was in the States for the past two years and now she's back." She added, shrugging her shoulders.

"Explains." Reyhan stated.

As their small conversation ended, I stopped infront of a flower boutique.

"You guys want to come?" Aisha asked us.

"We got nothing else to do, so yeah, let's go." Armaan spoke.

"Hello!" A lady, in her late 30s greeted us with a grin, as we entered the boutique.

"What're you guys looking for?" She asked.

"Hi. We're actually looking for a yellow rose." Aisha answered her.

"Oh, yellow rose! It's right there." She said, pointing to her left.

"Do you want me to come with you or-"

"No no, it's fine, we'll take it from here, thanks though." Aisha smiled at her before walking towards where so many yellow roses were kept.

"Your sister likes yellow roses?" Rehyan questioned her.

"She loves them!" Aisha smiled.

"But why yellow roses?" This time, I questioned her.

"I've got no idea to be honest, she just likes them a lot."

"You're going to get her only one yellow rose?" I asked her, when I noticed that she picked only one yellow rose before walking towards the counter to pay for it.

"Yeah, because my sister likes only one yellow rose. She does not like a bunch of yellow roses. It's always a yellow rose." Aisha said, while paying.

"Weird." I mumbled under my breath while shaking my head.

"Tell me about it." She chuckled.

Aisha thanked the lady and we left the boutique. While the others sat in the car, I spotted a departmental store next to the flower boutique.

"I'll go get some mint." I informed them before walking towards the store.

After grabbing a Gold Flake packet, I walked towards the candy aisle.

"Peppermint or spearmint?" I asked myself, looking down at both the mint boxes.

"You look too decent for a guy who smokes." A voice came from beside me.

It was a girl with black shoulder length hair, leaned against the mint stand, with a smile on her face, her arms folded in front of her chest.

"Excuse me?"

"Smoking kills. It's given on the box." She pointed out.

"Do I know you?" I asked her.

"No, but-"

I cut her off by saying, "Exactly. That's your cue to leave." and diverted my attention back to the mint boxes.

"You're too good looking to be this arrogant, you know." She commented.

I turned to look at her, and she still was in the same position, with that same annoying smile on her face.

"Ouch. People say my smile is really pretty." She said, keeping a hand on her heart, pretending to be hurt.

"Well obviously, they've mistaken." I fake smiled.

"Ooof, that sass though. You would be my ideal crush material with those good looks and sass, minus the smoking and arrogance." She stated.

"Oh really? And does it look like I care?" I asked her, still faking a smile.

"I'm surprised your face isn't hurting by that smile you're faking." She said, giving me an impressed expression.

"Look, what do you want? I don't even know you." I said, getting annoyed by her presence.

"Seems like you're annoyed by my presence."

"Oh, is it?" I rolled my eyes.

She chuckled before saying, "I just wanted to warn you about what smoking does. You don't want your loved ones to cry when you're gone, right? So Mr. Ideal Crush, it would be great if you could stop smoking, if not for yourself then atleast for your loved ones."

"Okay, thanks. You can leave." I said, rolling my eyes, again.

She shrugged her shoulders and was about to leave, but I don't know for what reason she stood still.

"Oh, by the way, peppermint is great." She said.

I now know which mint to purchase. I picked up the mint I wanted and walked away to the cash counter, leaving her all by herself.

After paying for the mint, I rushed to my car.

"What's up?" Reyhan asked, chuckling, while I put my seatbelt.

"One annoying bitch kept bugging me about how smoking isn't good for me. God, she had this annoying smile on her face and wasn't even ready to leave my side." I said, driving to Aisha's house.

I then elaborated what exactly happened back in the store, before they all started laughing, while Armaan grabbed the mint box.

"Thanks for the spearmint by the way."

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