Chapter 3

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After finishing his bath -which was relaxing- a thought struck him. They know about his fears. It was not something that he ever wanted anyone to know. So that he would ignore the elephant in the room and his issues like always and putting on his normal goofball mask.

"Good day.~" He chirped out as walking into the kitchen. "Oh, and also I am not going to talk about what you all seen, so you better not going to push further." His voice was sweet. Pidge as well as Allura were opening their mouth but stopping.

'Oh, great now they see me like a breakable thing. That is so what I need right now.' He sarcastically thought and hated the concerned look. Hated how the two were right now looking at him like this.

"I am fine." He firmly said before going to eat the goo. Each move was watched, and he was getting irritated and hated this. Pidge had not once said a comment and the gremlin was usually more wit talked.

"Oh, hi Lance you better now?" Shiro asked and he gave the male a glance and a quick yes before continue eating. Then he left going to train. He had to or else he was going crazy with everyone looking at him like this. The pitiful looks were making him angry. Or maybe it was just his imagination.




Around level 20 someone stopped the simulation and he glared at the direction as he still had way too much energy left. His record was 27 and he so was not liking being stopped by his training.

"Look I know that you don't like to talk about what this was but running away from you fears make it worse for you." Shiro said and his gaze soften knowing that he was right. His hand going through his brown locks and he really wasn't wanting to talk with the Dad of the group.

"Yes but it's easier to ignore your issues and I will continue doing this." His voice held finality and Shiro let out a sigh knowing that he wouldn't talk to him about this.

"You do know that I could know how you feel like, when you would just let me in." Shiro pointed out and he had a point. It was something that he knew too well but he was incapable of this.

Because how he really was wouldn't be easy to make friends. Then again usually people were annoyed at his act and he had no idea how to act in front of people. It was something that made him feel like he wasn't belonging anywhere. Not his fault with everything that happened to him.

"Sorry but no thanks." He said as walking out of the room. God, he knew it was childish, but he so wasn't wanting to deal with anyone. He wished he could have a normal childhood. Wished that he could be childish and so he sulked on his bed, arms hugging his legs as they were pulled on his chest and head on top of his knees.

"Okay Lance you can do this. You're not there anymore but at the castle. They won't get you and you will just continue like nothing happened." He muttered under his breath, but he couldn't. They seen his fears. Seen how broken he was and that he was sure that he wasn't fixable. There was also the fact that he knew that he was having a massive crush on Keith.

"There you are." Hunk said and he let out agroan not wanting to deal with his best friend. Even when he is the kindest person you will ever meet probably. This is why he would try his best to protect him at all cost.

"We decided to play truth or dare, you want to join?" It was asked with a headtilt and innocent puppy eyes were added to this. He cursed in Spanish at this and letting out a sigh. How can he say no to an expression like this?

"Fine." He grumbled out and the expression brighten even. Somewhen this person will be the death of him. Hunk grabbed his hand and he slightly stiffen at the sudden touch but soon letting himself be dragged by his best friend.

"Look at this he joined." Pidge said with a grin and he puffed his cheeks out.

"Hunk pulled his puppy eyes on me. Which by the way is cheating." He gave Hunka pointed look and the male grinned at him as ruffling his hair. This was making him shrink down slightly.

"Hunk you do know that I am not fond of..." He whispered and the Hunk looked apologetic and he felt his heart tug and feel guilty. "Sorry..." He muttered and the other stopped and they start sitting in a circle.

"We will use truth serum, or it wouldn't be fun otherwise." Pidge said with a mischievoussmirk and he groaned out. God this will be such a pain in the ass.

"Fine." He knew that he won't get out of Pidge scheme and so he might as welljust try to wing it. Not the first time that he had to wing it. Whenever there was a mission and he despise himself for all the things he had to do. Everyone took the truth serum and he felt a dread coming over him, because this time he
couldn't lie, and he felt that Pidge was planning something.

Whelp shit.

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