Chapter 14

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He was happy for Pidge. The female finally got to see her parents again, but this was making him feel really anxious. Today he would meet them with Keith, and he had no idea how to deal with this. His family was not small and the fear that they would throw him out was there. Yet he was hoping that Shiro had been right.

Talking about Shiro. The male had made up with Adam and they were looking happy. It was making him feel glad as well. Hulk had also met his family and here he was right now feeling out of place. Keith was talking with Adam right now and he was standing there and unsure what to do.

"Lance come here, hun." Keith called out and he slowly approached feeling nervous now. That was until Adam gave him a bright smile. A smile that made him feel a bit less nervous, yet he was having no idea what to say.

"Uh, H-Hi..." He awkwardly said and playing with his sleeves.

"I am glad to see that Keith has finally found someone for him. Just hope that you won't hurt him or else you will have a problem with me." Adam said softly and it sounded the kind of talk that a father would give a boyfriend. Keith flushed instantly and slapped the male playful with a glare.

"Mou, stop trying to embarrass me Adam." It was said with the same tone and he couldn't help but think that this was adorable.

"I wouldn't dare to do this." He said firmly yet softly and ruffling Keith's hair, to the embarrassment of his boyfriend. Because he could see the cheeks heat up more.

"Anyway, uh we should get going kitten." He added soon afterward knowing that it would take an hour with his lion to his family's address.

"Ah yeah, see you two later." Keith said with a slight smile and they said their bye's. Then they flown and he was getting more and more anxious. Maybe this was why he let red autopilot himself once again. It was just that he was on edge. Fear gripping on him and he was wondering how they will react. There was also the fact that he was part alien.




They stood three minutes straight in front of the front door. It was just that he couldn't get himself to ring the bell door. Maybe this was why Keith let out a sigh and ringing the bell himself. This alone made him look at his boyfriend with a betrayed look, which the male returned with a huff and a kiss on his cheeks.

That was exactly than, that the door got opened and a female was now in front of them. Keith started to pull instantly away as seeing him a flustered mess. It wasn't just him, but he felt his cheeks heat up too. The female first froze, and he was soon pulled into a tight hug.

At first, he stiffens but soon hugging back. His mother over and over said mi hijo. It sounded relieved and when pulling away and hand was on his cheeks. It was making him shrunk down and he opened his mouth but all that escaped was a splutter sound.

"Sorry for his reaction. I am Keith and well his uh boyfriend. Would you mind letting us in, that we could talk it out?" His expression was akin of embarrassment and shyness and he could just coo at the adorableness of his boyfriend.

"Aw you got yourself a cutie there." His mother cooed and this made the mentioned male flush even more. He couldn't help but shyly smile and by now she had left her hand from his cheeks but taking softly his hand and leading him inside.

"Make yourself at home. And your room is how you left it all these years ago." Her voice sounded soft yet pained. It was obvious why and now he regretted not coming over when being back to Earth.

"Sorry mama." He replied apologetic. Him and Keith walked into the living room and there were new pictures of his family and his heart pained at them. By now his siblings were almost all adults and he had missed seeing them grow up. He wasn't the oldest but one of the younger one. Keith pulled him into a side hug, and he put his head on top of his shoulder. It was something that was natural for them by now and he was glad that Keith was there for him. Soon his mother entered, and she had a soft yet motherly expression. It was clear that she aged, and he avoided looking at her in guilt.

"Where were you? What happened? Because I know that something happened, but I am glad to see that you found someone who is there for you." She asked first and soon caringly said. He let out a sigh. There was a pause before he slowly started to talk. It was short and he left out most of the things that happened. After he had finished, his body was slightly shaky, and it took everything not to break down.

"Oh my god, my poor baby went through so much pain." Her voice was holding shock and he was not sure what she would say next. It was just that he hadn't seen his family that long. He had not even one idea what to do now.

"Thank you, Keith. Thank you so much for helping my son out. I am sure it wasn't easy, but I am glad to know that even after everything he went through, seeing a small smile on his lips. It means the world to me that you have helped him out." Her voice was pure adoration, yet thankfulness and he felt Keith stiffen and it showed again how much his mama was accepting.

"He helped me out as well. Without him I wouldn't be like this and we both need each other." He was heard saying softly and he felt his heart flutter at this because he was so grateful for him.

"Honey I am home." A male voice was heard, and he stiffens as feeling unsure what would come next. Then a male entered, and he stared at him first before slowly approaching and then pulling him into a hug. Like before he stiffens but soon hugging back as relaxing into his father's touch.

He could hear him say over and over in Spanish how he had missed him. How relieved he was to see him healthy. Soon his siblings entered and like before they were shocked and then pulling him into a hug. Then there was the hard part, trying to figure out why he was part Galra.

"I have a question, why is it that I am part alien?" He blurted out and his mother blinked and opened his mouth but soon closing it. There was silence before she started to explain that his father had protected her, and one thing lead to another. But what he wasn't expecting was hearing the name.




"He told me his name was Kolivan and ended up stranded with another kind female. Krolia. I heard she birthed a healthy baby boy, but I never had contact after they left." She explained and his eyes bulged out but not just his but Keith as well. Both had eye contact for a moment before he seen Keith messaging Krolia furiously.

Let's just say this ended up in an awkward conversation now. Because this meant that both of their parents had been friends. To make this worse his father was the leader of blade of mamora. This was so not something he expected. It seemed that his stepfather knew about this and he had no idea what to think of this. But at least he knew that he would have a long talk with his father and get to know him.

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