Chapter 18

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The next morning came and he was not sure what he should do. His body barely managed to move and usually it was Shiro who helped out whenever Keith had no time. Which had been often. But this wasn't helping him, as he knows that Shiro wasn't there, nor was Keith or anyone else. So that he was whimpering.

To his luck the island was not as inhabited as he thought it was. And another unlucky thing was that this was a Galra base. So that he ended up getting picked up without his likings and carried somewhere.

"L-Let go of me." He whimpered and tried to get out of the grasp, but he was too weak to even move. This was bad and he knew this, and he hated this so much.

"Do not worry. I won't harm you but take care of you." It was said firmly and to make this even worse this person was an Alpha. Just his luck and he was in a hand of someone who was a stranger who could do whatever he wanted to do.

"I dun wanna. Want to have my Alpha." He whimpered out and hating the fact that his body was betraying his actions. Because right now he was needy for contact and this was sadly something that he couldn't change.

"I know and I promise you that I won't do anything that you do not want to." He was staring up and seeing the person give him a reassuring look was making him confused.

"Oh and also, I am not an Alpha but and Omega like you are." It was said with the same tone and he relaxed realizing his error. At least he knew that this person wasn't going to use his weakness against him.

"But we need to hide you or else other might try and take advantage of your state." It was warningly said, and the thought alone made him whimper and fearing that this could happen. So that he was on the mercy of this Galra who could do god knows what.




He was making a nest and feeling unsure about this place. Yet this was all he could do right now he wasn't sure what he should do. Right now, he was at his weakest and in a Galra base. God this was freaky and scaring him. There was as well the fact that he was at his weakest. This meant that he could be overwhelmed easy.

"How about you tell me who I should contact, and I will try to find a way." The stranger suggested and he pulled the blanket close to him before answering.

"Castle of lions, I wanna have my Alpha..." He whined and feeling the tears build up. The stranger crouched down as going through his hair. It wasn't something that he liked too much but like before his body betrayed him once again as leaning into the touch.

"Just need your name and then I am sure that they know who you're talking about." Once again, the stranger softly stated, and he sniffed after giving his name. Then he was left alone, curled into the many blankets.



His eyes cracked open as he heard rushed footsteps and soon felt himself in a hug. His body leaned into the touch and it took his brain to realize that it was Keith.

"God I was scared shitless, just glad to know that you ended up with someone friendly and not someone would have taken advantage of you." The tone was relieved, and he snuggles into the arms more as hugging back.

"Mhm." Was all that he managed to bring out and giving the male a kiss. It was just that this was what he needed right now. The kiss got returned and soon pulled away, which made him whine, not liking this.

"I know that you don't like this, but we better get you to the ship." Keith said softly and he pouted but nodding. It was something that he knew too well.

"Oki..." He mumbled and feeling himself picked up. He had an iron grip on the blanket, and they walked away. The stranger was thanked by Keith and soon they entered the castle. They greeted each other but he stayed silent and face buried into the chest of Keith. Soon they entered their room and he was making like before a nest.

The next two weeks Keith was staying with him and food and water was brought by others.




"Ugh I can't believe that I ended up in a Galra base. God that was freaky." He shuddered as he was finally out of his heat. His boyfriend was going soothingly through his hair and letting out a hum. It was for sure not something that he ever wanted to be alone. The last time he ended up in a base like this had not ended up well for him.

So that he was weary of bases like this. Not just him but Keith as well. It was just that even when they were their alias, he still couldn't help but feel intimidated. Or almost. There were some he was a bit more familiar with Axca who was like him an Omega.

The two were close to each other and he felt at ease with her. There were also her friends which she was slightly more intimidated. Even when one of the two were an Omega. This reminded him that he still was trying to find a middle way. Because it wasn't helping not trusting them and it was really not something that he should.

Because they all showed that they were not going the same path as Zarkon. But there was still one person that he was terrified off: Haggar. The female was scaring him shitless.

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