Chapter 4

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So far, all of the questions and dares were tame, but he was on edge because now it was his turn and Pidge eyes had that particular glint. The kind of one you know that someone is planning something. So internally he was freaking out but on the outside he looked confident.

"Truth." He said because no way would he take dare with Pidge. The female smirked and he got taunted by her so that he groaned out and ending up going for a dare.

"I dare you to kiss the person you find the hottest in this room." Pidge said cheekily and he puffed his cheeks out. Of course, she would and obviously this would happen.

"Fine." He huffed out and feeling nervous now but going over to Keith, kissing his cheek and walking back to his place with a slight heated up cheeks. Everyone stared at him and he puffed his cheeks out.

"What it was between Shiro and Keith, but I think Keith is the hotter one of the- Damn you Pidgeon." He huffed out feeling his cheeks heat up even more after he blurted this out. Stupid Truth serum. Both Keith and Shiro stared at him and he could see Keith have heated up cheeks and he was freaking out on the inside. Pidge was snicker and making this not easier for him. 

"Pigeon your turn, truth or dare." He asked and the female was smirking widely. He knew that her plan was far from over yet and he was so not wanting to deal with this. She obviously chooses dare and he ended up daring her to sit on Hunks lap. Because he knew that she had a massive crush on his best friend.

At some point Keith ended up getting dared to sit on his lap. Which resulted in him being as flustered as the other male. He even made himself more comfortable with hugging the other and having his head on top of the shoulder.

It was making him feel weirdly comfortable. It was something that he found weird but then again, he had a crush on the male. Maybe it was as well that Keith wouldn't do anything that he wouldn't want.

"I dare you to kiss Keith on the mouth." Pidge dared and he huffed out as seeing Keith turn around. His hand going over to his cheeks and glancing into the dark violet eyes. There was a pause and the other nodded timidly and having flushed cheeks. Then he leaned in and his lips were soft. He was pulling away, but Keith ended up having his hand on his neck and pulling him back. It got rather heated and the cough disrupted them soon.

Both flushed and panting. Then he was sitting back on his lap as it was still a dare. The next dare was that Keith would have to sleep in his room tonight and he wasn't sure what to think of this. Was the other liking him as well? He did kiss back and initiated the kiss after he pulled away so there might be having the same feeling.

"Truth." He decided because he wasn't sure what else Pidge would plan and he rather wasn't going to continue with her next dare would be. Yet he wasn't expecting to have someone else ask this.

"I want to know why you are scared that others think of you as a slut." It Hunk who asked. It was making him bit his lips and trying not to blurt it out, but he ended up talking.

"I really don't like this but because of this stupid truth serum I don't have a chance. I was 6 when I ended up getting kidnapped by my Uncle. He used me kind off as a sex slave and forcing my body to others to make money out of this. This is why." It was short but done the job.

A silence was going into the room and Hunk winced at his looks. Because he really wasn't wanting to tell anyone about this. Not even Hunk knew this. He knew he was raped but he had no idea that this had been his Uncle who done this to him. He had not even known that he was used as a sex slave.

"I- Sorry I really went to far." Hunk said and the guilty look was making his anger vanish instantly. Maybe it wasn't too bad. No one said anything for a moment, and he let out a sigh.

"This is why I didn't want anyone to know. Next time do not force a fucking truth serum on someone. Because you never know what their hiding in their closets." He muttered darkly and feeling Keith turn around and hugging him.

At first, he tensed up but soon relaxing, as not expecting this. There was another beat of silence before Shiro talked.

"I think this is enough truth of dare. Let's head to bed and you don't need to do the dare with Keith sleeping in the same room when you're not comfortable." It was said softly, and he wasn't sure. It was probably better then sleeping alone right now.

"Yeah, and I am sorry that I forced you to kiss. I- When I would have known I wouldn't have dared you." Pidge said with the same guilty look and he hated this. Because it wasn't a look that he wanted her to look like this.

"You didn't know, so stop feeling guilty. And also, a dare is a dare." He shrugged as if this wasn't a big issue, but he was shaken up after talking about this.

"Still I can feel you shaking. I won't force myself on you when you don't want to." Keith let go but he continued on holding the male.

"A dare is a dare." He huffed out and it was his way of saying 'nope you're not going to get out of this one,' and with this the hug was left. Everyone walked to their rooms and Keith left as well.

He changed into his sleeping wear and waiting for Keith to come back. His mind was buzzing and hearing what his Uncle always said, and the thought alone made him shiver. Because the male was still out there.

In all these years he hadn't seen anyone of his family. And this was just because of him not being comfortable. Now he regretted it but he couldn't show his face to his family after he went through all this. The door opened but his mind was too occupied to even realize. That was until his name got called.

"You sure that I can stay here for the night? Pidge would understand it and I as well." It was said softly yet carefully. Almost as if the wrong word could break him.

"Yes, and stop treating me like I am a breakable thing." He huffed out and Keith opened his mouth but closing it soon.

"No need to stay strong. I won't judge." Keith said softly and he breathed out not sure how to react to his kindness.

"Easier said than done, Mullet." He grumbled out and the male by now sitting next to him. There was a silence for a moment. Before his crush talked again.

"Why are you scared that the Galra could come for you?" Keith asked softly and he tried to stop himself from blurting it out, but he couldn't stop the words from escaping.

"My Uncle wasn't my Uncle. Or at least I don't think he is. He was Galra and ended up selling me to them. I was their plaything, weapon, assassin. I done horrible things and on my hand is blood." He blurted out and feeling the fear creep up. Fearing that Keith would reject him, but he hadn't expected the next reaction from Keith.

"Oh that bastard will so pay for this. Tell me where I can find him, and I will make him regret ever doing this to you." It was said darkly, and he shivered and staring at Keith. This wasn't what he expected, and he had no idea how to deal with this.

"Why? Why aren't you pushing me away? Why are you reacting this way? I am a murder after all. I have killed countless people and even was a slut so why?" He couldn't help but blurt this out and Keith stared at him with wide eyes. There was a moment of silence and he avoided his gaze. Soon fear starting to creep and before he even though what he was doing, he ran away.

It was just that he couldn't handle this. He had no idea even how to react to Keith saying this. So that he panicked and hiding in Blue. It was just that he was too scared and not even blue could calm him down. His hand gripping his hair. Body rolled down into a ball and he freaked out muttering a sentence over and over.

"Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me." Why he was saying this he had no idea. All he knew was that he was freaking out. At some point he passed out from breathing too wrongly. 

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