Chapter 7

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It took around twenty minutes before the blue lion ending up in front of us. Krolia had wide eyes and he smirked more. Well now at least that theory was proven right. They could call their lions at a long distance.

"This was what I tried to do." He shrugged and picking up Keith once again. Her gaze was going over to the red Paladin. The lion ended up swallowing their ship. Then he walked out with, Krolia following him.

"I am guessing you're the blue Paladin then?" It was asked and he nodded as walking to the bed that was there. Then slowly putting the unconscious male into it and slowly sitting on the bed.

'Blue be a dear and auto pilot yourself to castle of lions.' He softly yet with care told this to Blue. Because he was sure that he couldn't leave Keith alone, not after he gripped him that tightly.

Of course, my Paladin. Is the red Paladin alright? I wouldn't want Red to lose the poor bean. Blue held a concern and he let out a sigh as answering with no clue. It was for sure traumatizing and he really had no idea what his mental state would be when waking up.

All he could hope that it wasn't too bad. Hoped that Keith was alright but from his experience he was probably far from alright.




There was a silence between Krolia and him, until they talked about anything. It ended up with him feeling like he was talking to a mother. Not too farfetched with this female being the mother of his crush or was it now boyfriend? and he fell asleep at some point. But he was sleeping lighter this time. It was just that when there was danger. It was a protection mechanism as here it wasn't as safe as it was at the castle of lions. So, when he felt a stirring he woke up as well.

"Ugh, ouch..." A groan and someone muttering this under their breath. It was obvious that the male wasn't awake. But he instantly was and making sure to be ready for Keith unintentional attack him. It was possible with him thinking that he was still in captivity.

"Hey, kitten we are safe in my lion. Should take probably another few minutes or maybe longer." He softly said.

"Oh..." Keith sounded surprised and he felt a slight stiffen as well. There was also shaking soon, and he felt himself soon in a tighter grip. Instantly he could tell that the other was relieved.

"God this was horrible. I-I-I couldn't move..." Sobs soon wracked through the others body and he winced knowing too well how it was. So, he started whispering reassuring words. Going slowly through the mullet hair and trying his best to calm Keith down. It took a few moments and when he was calm, their pulling away.

"Thanks, uh but how did we managed to escape?" Keith asked softly and he gave him a soft expression as well.

"That would be thanks to Krolia." He pointed on the female who was leaning on the wall with a concerned expression yet when their eyes met, she had a thankful look.

"Wait a Galra helped you out?" Keith sounded astonished and surprised. It was something that he wasn't sure yet how to feel about.

"Hi, yeah." Krolia sounded slightly awkward and he guessed why. This was after all her son and they probably have never seen each other. Krolia then starting to explain about Blade of Mamora and that they had infiltrate Galra's Empire and trying as being against Zarkon.

Then the bomb was dropped on Keith that this was his mother and he stayed silent. Eyes staring blankly at her and he was worried. Even the expression was blank. All he could hope that this wasn't going to end up in a fight. Then he heard Keith ask calmly why she never had showed herself. They heard the story of how she found Keith's father and that the blade that Keith had was from her. It was given to his father for later on for Keith to use. A present for when Keith was old enough.

There was the fact that she had to leave as it was too dangerous. To protect Earth from the Galra Empire. So, she left. The two -son and mother- pair talked about many things and then they ended up finally back at the castle of lions. And all he could think was...

Scars of mind and heart (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now