Chapter 8

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It had been a week and since then everything went back to how it was or almost. Krolia ended up staying and there was some tension between him and Allura. Others were also unsure how to react and he wasn't sure how to act anymore around others.

"Good morning." He said softly with a slight smile. It was a change that everyone realized. Everyone seemed to realize that he wasn't the goofball they knew. It was for sure a change that no one really had expected.

"Good morning to you as well." Shiro greeted back with a smile on his own. Next one was Pidge who grinned at him and then there was Hunk who bear hugged him. At first, he stiffens but soon hugging back.

There was also Krolia who entered after the hug was left. Both greeted each other and she gave him a hair ruffle. He shrunk down as feeling his cheeks heat up but soon relaxing into her touch. It was something that she liked to do. Ruffling his hair or simply giving him some kind affection.

It was clear it had to do with his outburst, and she had showered Keith and also him in motherly love. A strange feeling to him as he hadn't really had this kind of affection in years. Keith entered soon enough as well, and he could tell that the male hadn't slept well.

The bags under his eyes were enough indicator and he took a mental note of this and making sure that he would drag Keith in the evening into his room. He would make sure that the male would sleep with him. Because both slept better, and it seemed that they fend off each other's nightmare.

"Hello." A female voice greeted, and he ignored Allura. There was still no apology and he wasn't backing down on this one.

"That's it. Both just make up. I really hate that you two ignore each other." Shiro said with a sigh and he puffed his cheeks out.

"Why should I? Did she apologize? No and she didn't even let mo-Krolia explain." He gritted out and almost having a slip up. Keith looked at him with both amusement yet concern. It was not easy for him and he may hate what some Galra's had done but not all are like this. Keith -a half Galra, still Galra nonetheless- and Krolia were the best example that not all are like this.

"No why should I? You know exactly what the Galra's did to Altea so why should I apologize to someone who is them. They took everything from me." Allura sneered and he glared dagger. A cold yet dark look overcame him, and everyone shivered as they felt his bloodlust.

"You are wrong because not all are bad. There are some good out there." He hissed out and ready to slap her when she continued with her hatred.

"What do you know? Huh? You who have lost nothing. You never had to suffer." She coolly stated and this made him snap. A blank look overcame him, and he walked out and straight to the training room. His mind even was blank. Then he started to beat the living hell out of the robots.




"Stop training simulation." Keith's voice cut in and breathed heavily. Even exhausted but he would have continued until he was passed out. Footsteps slowly approached and he turned around to see his boyfriend look at him with a concerned and he was cautiously approaching him.

"You good?" It was asked with concern and he opened his mouth, but nothing escaped. Head tilted and he looked confused over to Keith who looked even more concerned.

"Your...crying Lance." It was said slowly yet carefully. This was making him blink as touching his cheeks to feel something wet trailing down. Next, he knew he was sobbing hysterically. Legs giving up and he starting to rock back and forth. It was too painful the words that Allura said.

"Is it alright when I hug you?" Voice the same cautious yet concerned tone was used. Slowly he nodded and feeling himself soon pulled into a chest. At first, he stiffens but soon he relaxed and hugging back. His face buried into the chest of the mentioned male and he continued sobbing.

A hand going soothing circles and some reassuring words were whispered. It took a long to calm down and when he done, he still wasn't letting go. This had been painful, and he couldn't believe that she said this.

"How about you go take a bath and then go back to your room. I also will get some food for you. Would you like this?" It was asked softly yet carefully, and he nodded as going first taking a shower and then going back in his room. Rolled together in a ball hugging the pillow with an unreadable expression.

With Keith. (Betcha didn't see that one coming)

He was pissed off. Allura had to push that button even after hearing what Lance told her that day. It was to be expected that she was angry, but this went too far. Lance went through way worse things than even Shiro went through. And that was why he was furious. He stormed inside of the kitchen.

"How is Lance?" Hunk asked with concern and he took deep breathes as calming his anger down. It wouldn't help yelling at anyone. What had been said can't be undone.

"Well I hope your happy Allura. He had breakdown because of what you said." He coolly stated and grabbing some food.

"What why? He never lost someone or ended up having to suffer because of the Galra's." Allura asked and he glared daggers at her.

"Well how about I remind you that he told us all a week ago that he had been forced as sex slave by his Uncle. He ended up forcing him to sell his body when Lance was just a child. So, shut up and he went through more then even Shiro went through. Your blinded by revenge that you can't see what damage you have done." His voice was the same one and Krolia looked sorrowful and he stormed away back to Lance, after he had taken some food. His boyfriend needed him and he be damned staying any longer then needed. 

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