Chapter 9

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The door got opened and Lance was staying rolled together. There was just no way that he would enroll himself for whoever had entered. He was wearing the big hoodie from Keith -who was way bigger than him. It made him look even smaller, but it gave him comfort. A shift was felt next to him and he peaked out to see that it was Keith.

Slowly he waddled over and curling himself on his side and snuggling into the warmth. Keith was always warm and for him he felt home. It felt like they were together forever and by now he could not imagine a life without his kitten.

"Seems like you stole my hoodie again." It was said with a soft smile and he nodded feeling his cheeks heat up.

"I just love the feeling how they feel, and they make me feel comfy and have your scent." He mumbled and the other male had a slight hue on pink on his cheeks.

"I don't complain, you look adorable in it." It was said with a grin and he felt his cheeks heat up and burying his face into the side feeling embarrassed.

"Aww your adorable." Keith teased and he muffed a groan and it wasn't helping when hearing the chuckle coming from his boyfriend. He soon felt a hand going through his hair and he slowly melted as feeling his body relax.

"You hungry?" It was asked after a while and he shook his head as an answer. Right now, he wasn't wanting to talk. Nothing was said and he slowly fell asleep feeling safe.




He heard two people arguing even when it was in hushed tone. One sounded female and the other person sounded male. It sounded heated and the person he was still cling onto was tense. So that he slowly opened his eyes. It took all his energy to open them. Mentally he was still drained, and he wanted nothing more then continue sleeping.

"Sure. It's not like the name sex slave suggested what happened to him." Keith deadpanned yet sarcastically replied and this was showing him once again that his boyfriend can be sarcastic when he wanted to, but this made him wonder.... Why are they arguing about a heavy topic like this?

"In Altea we didn't have the concept of slaves and I didn't know what it was until it got explained to me." It was now that he realized that this was Allura's voice and she sounded defensive yet guilty.

"No excuses. Because you knew what sex was and yet you still had told him that he didn't suffer." Voice cold yet anger was lacing on it and he never heard Keith that pissed off.

"I know and I am sorry about this. I said it in the heat of moment." She was sounded even more guilty and he wasn't sure what to think of this. The two were too heated in their conversation to realize that he was awake and listening to their conversation.

"You should go before he wakes up and having another breakdown because of you." Voice firm and the anger was still apparent on his voice. Even more now and he wasn't sure. Yes, he got hurt by Allura, but she had no idea what it was. It made sense after all she came from a civilization which was peaceful.

"I think she gets it, Kai." He said softly deciding to butt into the conversation before both would say something they will regret.

"Another thing, not all Galra's are bad and I hope you will understand this. I know more then anyone else how it is to be harmed by them. You lost people and I lost my innocent because of them, but I know better then have my judgement clouded in rage and wanting revenge. As it's not an option." He said pointedly.

"Sorry that we woke you up." Keith said softly and voice instantly different then before. It was clear that his boyfriend wasn't wanting to scare him off with his tone.

"I realized this after talking more with Krolia and getting to know her. We are going to meet the blade of Marmora and joining an alliance." She said softly and he could see how guilty she had been about what she said. "I also want to apologize for what I said. I should have known better." Allura soon added and he nodded.

"It will take a long for me to forgive you and you will need to earn my trust again, Allura." He said firmly because he had been hurt enough and she knew about his insecurities and fears. Saying things like this was exactly why he had an arm length away from everyone, in fear of being hurt.

"I understand and will leave you two be. Oh, and congrats you two are adorable together." She said softly and soon a slight smile was on her lips.

The last part was making blink a few times and in utter surprise and he couldn't even answer before she left. Even his cheeks felt hot and Keith look relieved and starting to glance at him.

"I blurted it out in the heat of the moment, sorry. Oh, and she promised not to tell anyone." It was said guilty yet softly and he let out a groan and nodding. He ate something and nothing was said for a moment. Then they started to have a heated discussion about what was better chicken nuggets or chicken wings.

They both snorted soon and when it ended up in adraw. Next was the difference of holidays they had, and he was feeling betternow. It was a good distraction for him but at some point, he fell asleep and feelingrelaxed.

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