Chapter 5

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His consciously slowly woke up but eyes stayed close. He wasn't wanting to wake up. Wanting to stay asleep, exhausted to even bother opening his eyes. But he felt himself being carried by a broad chest. At first, he stiffened but soon relaxing as smelling the relaxing scent of roses.

This was Keith, but it was confusing him why he was carrying him. His body even leaned into the touch and he felt protected weirdly enough. He would have thought that he would feel freaked out and not liking the touch. But Keith was handling him with care.

"Shh, no word Shiro." He heard a hushed sentence coming from the mentioned male and he groaned out.

"Sorry, is he..." The rest was tuned out as he fell asleep once again.




He let out a gasp as waking up from another nightmare he got. It was always something that he had but this time it was a harsh one. Body shook, eyes fearfully wide, sobs wracked his body and tears rolled down. He was hyperventilating and just couldn't calm down. It was about his first time that he had to kill. The look on that person. The scream. God the scream. A shudder was going through his body and he just now realized that someone was whispering over and over reassuring word.

He was even clinging on this person and realizing that he initiates the hug. Initiate the touch and he knew once again that this was Keith. He wondered how Keith managed to calm him down. It was strange that he was helping him out. They weren't that close in the first place, even when it was now a few weeks that they known each other.

"Huh, that reminds me of our bonding moment." He joked because this was something, he denied not wanting to get close to anyone.

"You-You-You what the hell Lance!" He heard him yelp out and he grinned at him. It was a bit tense too tense. Which was why he couldn't resist saying this when they were in a situation like this.

"I- Okay so I was scared to get attached to anyone and that was why I pushed you away and I am sorry for it." His voice held guilt and Keith opened his mouth but closing it again. There was a silence for a moment before he felt something soft on his forehead.

"Apology accepted." It was said and he could feel the heat slowly creep up.

"Di-Did you just..." He stammered out and when glancing at Keith he could see the slight hue of pink as well.

"Yes, because I hate you having a sad expression like this. I rather have you embarrassed then guilty." The other sounded as embarrassed as he got explained to this.

"O-Oh..." This was all that he managed to get out and he had no idea how to deal with this. His crush initiated this and this even after he said this. Gaze avoided as he started to play with his sleeves not expecting this.

"I hope I didn't step over my boundaries there." Keith said worriedly and he let out a breath knowing what he meant.

"You didn't but I just warn you that I am not that fond of touch." He said softly and Keith was silent for a moment before starting to talk once more.

"I guessed this, and I won't do it again when you don't want to. But I really love you and just have to say this to you now, because I feared that you would run away." Keith explained seriously and he left the hug.

It was something that he almost was planning to run away. Many times, but hadn't. There were people who relied on him as the blue Paladin. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't worth it. Felt like that they would be better of without him.

"Ho-Hold up you're not fucking with me, do you?" He couldn't help asking and Keith flushed deeply now. His head tilted in confusion at this reaction but enjoying the adorable sight in front of him.


"Uh what?" He asked confused even more as Keith had an even redder cheeks then before.

"You told me are you fucking with me and that could have meant something else as well." After he said this, the heat got more on his face. Now he knew why he had that reaction and he felt utterly embarrassed that he hadn't realized that this could have been an innuendo.

"I-I-I-I not like that, you perve, Keith!" He yelped out and Keith snorted at his reaction and soon both bursting out into a fit of giggles. This entire thing was too hilarious. It was adorable and it wasn't many times that he seen Keith laugh like this. It was genuine and he loved the laugh.

"Phew, but back to your question no, I wasn't joking. I was serious." Keith said with a slight smile on his lips. It was genuine and soft. Heart even fluttering and he realized that his crush was liking him back.

"I- Okay so I am really bad with feelings and not sure that I know how to deal with them. Nor do I really know how to be in a relationship." His voice was tense and nervous because so far, he had avoided, and it was difficult for him to expression emotions.

"I always thought you were good with them, but I am guessing your real self isn't the goofball." Keith said softly with a sigh and he bit his lips and letting out a heavy sigh as well.

"Yeah, because I couldn't let others see how broken I am. I am surprised at how long I managed to hold this mask up." A nervous chuckle went out and Keith was pausing for a moment.

"It makes sense why your smile looked sometimes forced." Keith pointed out and he stared at the male in surprise.

"You aren't the only one who hides his insecurities. And now I know why you put on this act. I always felt something off with you." Keith pointed out once again and he was surprised because this would mean that his crush had watched closely.

"I guess you were being a stalker then." It was said with a joking undertone. A habit that he even now had and often resulted in massive issues with the person that had been his master.

"Pff as if I was being a stalker, when it was you. I know that you watched me from a far in garrison." It was said cheekily, and he opened his mouth to interject but soon realized that he had been caught.

"Dang it, and I thought I was being sneaky." He grumbled out in pure embarrassment. The other chuckled and he felt his cheeks heat up once more.

"We can take it slow and you tell me when your sure how you feel." Keith reassuringly said and he nodded. The two were silent for a moment until an alarm blared.

A Galra ship appeared and god dammit was this a bad timing.

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