Chapter 10

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The blade of Marmora was strange to him and they ended up making an alliance. There was also the fact that the blade had accepted Keith, and this made him conflicted. Because he knows that he would end up leaving. The thought alone pained him, but he would let Keith go when he really wanted to join them.

But he wasn't too fond of this. Maybe this was why he had been grumpy. So, because he was grumpy and Keith not many times away, he decided to sneak the sword away. It was awesome and cool. Yes, call him salty but he was needy for attention. And bad attention was still attention.

Maybe this was why he was right now at the training room. His gaze going on the sword. It was making him want to use it. When Keith could, then he surely could do it as well. With this on his mind he starting to train. It was around 10 levels later that a cursing Keith entered.

Which led to him be startled and the swords starting to glow and grow. It was making him stare at this and have a nervous look. It was cool and all but also weird and he felt kind of nervous. Why he had no idea. The simulation stopped but not him saying it but Keith.

"Uhhh, Babe your sword did the thing." He nervously said and Keith stared at it as well. There was as well a look that said, 'what the fuck?' and he shrugged.

"Um, this shouldn't happen." Keith told him and he felt his color drain, thinking that he pissed off his boyfriend. He had many times but this time he just felt like he had messed up bad times. So, what is it that he does? Exactly, bursting into tears.

"Lance, come here." It was said soft yet cautiously and he shook his head. No way would he come over and ending up scolded. He slowly backed away, fearing what Keith would do. It wasn't that he was thinking that his boyfriend was going to hit him.

Just an irrational fear was in him and even when he knew Keith wouldn't hurt him, his mind thought otherwise. It was just that he felt overwhelmed. The same kind of feeling he had with his Uncle whenever he had messed up badly. Or when he messed up as assassin. Maybe this was why he was stepping farther and farther into the room. The sword left his grip with a metallic sound, but his focus was somewhere else. He felt like he wasn't in the training room anymore. Not anymore in the castle of lions but...

Warning implying of torture, when finished it will be 'end' on it

His body curled around in the corner. He just turned 11 maybe and his first mission was a fail. A big fail. Failure will get punishment and so far, he had waited for it to happen. Nothing and he guessed it would come and that they were figuring out what to do with him.

They were not going to kill him, this much was clear for Lance. Yet he knew that he would end up with pain. What his Uncle always has done to him. Hit him, use him for gross things. His young and innocent mind couldn't understand why he had to do this. Even when asking them, their answer was shut up. He shivered fearing for what's to come for him.

"Alright, take him to our torture room. He needs to learn not to fail." A cold voice was heard, and he whimpered quietly.

"Vrepit sa" Was said before two bigger hands gripping him tightly. He kicked, screamed and struggled but their grip stayed iron. It was even paining him.

They moved around corners and entered soon a room. The room had a chair in the middle. This was making him cry now. He hated this. Wanted to get to his Mama. But he knew that he won't ever see her.

"Lance, hey..." A distant voice was calling him. The voice reminded him of someone, but he just couldn't remember who it was.

"Focus on my voice, please." The male voice was soothing yet calmly, and he slowly felt the room shift...


His breath gasping for air. Breath shaky and sweat pearls rolling down. His body shook violently, and he let out a whimper as rolling himself more together. His voice over and over saying one sentence; please don't hurt me.

He hadn't even realized that he was saying this, yet he was still in a fright. Still thinking that he was there, even when he could see that he wasn't.

"Alright, Lance good just focus alone on my voice, can you do this for me; my sharpshooter?" It was asked softly yet urgent and he nodded as focusing right now on the voice. His mind still couldn't grasp who was talking to him. But from the nickname he knew it was Keith.

"Your doing just great, sunshine. Tell me five things that you can see." It was said softly yet with the same tone. So that his eyes trailed around.

"Training room, red jacket, white floor, sneakers and you..."

"Good, tell me four things that you can feel right now?" It was asked once again and he this time concentrated on this.

"The ground." He first said then, slowly reaching out for Keith's hand. "Y-Your hand..." He softly replied. "You're red jacket..." He once again touched the fabric, and Keith wasn't moving. But by now he was more focused to see the pure concern on his face. "Y-You're cheeks..." He softly replied and soon wrapping his arms around.

"You comfy..." He muttered as relaxing more after he felt arms slowly wrap around him too. Keith took a deep breath and going through his hair.

"Okay that's good. Tell me three things you can hear?" Keith urged and he was right now so grateful for his boyfriend to help him out.

"Your cute voice, the machines and uh the crinkling noise." He mumbled and feeling the tension leave slowly.

"Alright, tell me two things that you can smell right now." Keith once again said, and he took a deep breath before answering once again.

"Flowers, guess you have a new shampoo. Uh, and something sweet." He muttered and Keith seemed to relax now as well.

"Yup, correct. And at least tell me one thing you taste right now." It was once again said, and he furrowed his brows.

"Um, not really anything..." He muttered and Keith hummed. His body was slack, and he was too exhausted to even get up. Keith realized this and this was probably why he got picked up. It wasn't the first time that Keith carried him like this.

So that he wasn't as embarrassed as he should be. Keith carried him out of the room silently as he turned his head towards the neck and buried it into it. He snuggled into the warmth and wanted nothing more then stay in the arms of his samurai.

"How about you change into something more comfortable? You can even wear my hoodie when you want to." It was said and he whined not wanting to let go of Keith. All he wanted right now was just not move and cuddling.

"How about this, I help you out of the clothes and get you into the hoodie? Would that help?" It was asked cautiously, and he nodded.

"I need a clear yes or else I won't." Keith said and he groaned out not wanting to talk right now. It was exhausting.

"Please, do..." He mumbled and Keith slowly put him into their bed. He pouted at the miss of contact. Keith was heard rummaging and he was soon put into the comfortable hoodie. It was not the first time that they have changed each other's clothes. Whenever one of the two had their panic attacks or with him flashbacks. They usually done this.

It was something that both weren't minding doing and he loved this. Because it made him feel cared off. He was touched deprived and even when he said he wasn't liking touch, he still missed it. The trust that he could someone hold him. Which by now he could with Keith. Both slowly got used and Keith slowly was getting used to it. The same was said with him. Hunk had a big part into this as well. He always was hugging both in the mornings, but always with consent.

Nothing was said for the rest of the day. They cuddled and he was grateful for Keith. The male made sure to shower him with love. But always making sure to ask first. Consent was something that both needed. After everything that had happened, it was no surprise.

Even when it was time for dinner, he was silent. Keith ended up carrying into the dinner room. Not without asking what he wanted. Everyone knew instantly that something had happened. But nothing was said. They knew by now that he wouldn't talk about it. Hunk made some lasagna and he ate half of it. Keith had been the one who fed him because he was just too exhausted to even more. It was always after his flashbacks like this.

Then they went back into their room and he fell asleep. Next, they talked about him managing to do the thing with the sword. Lance had explained that he had no idea how and Keith explained that it was just possible that he was half Galra like him.

Which he denied because he had no one in the family that was Galra -his Uncle didn't count as he was sure that he wasn't a family member- And this was the last time -for now- that they talked about this. 

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