Chapter 13

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A month went by and everyone was wondering why there was a tension, but no one asked. He was really anxious when being near Shiro. His instincts telling him to stay away from him, which was weird. It wasn't just him, but Keith seemed to have the same one. So that they tried to stay away and stay close to each other.

It was still something that he expected. Being a part Galra was making him anxious and he knew that it would take time for him to get used to the fact. There was the other thing that he will need to get in contact with his family. The thought alone was scary but there was a good thing. Keith would be there for him. It was what he promised him, and this made him fall all over again for his boyfriend.

Another thing was that the Galra had lost their leader as Lotor had killed Zarkon and it seems that when he ran away Lotor ended up being the one. He wasn't sure what to think of this and he couldn't trust him at all. But most do. All he could hope was that this won't end up in pure chaos.

But hey at least Earth ended up under the protection of Lotor. Which meant that no one would touch Earth, or they would get the wrath of Lotor. This was what had happened, and it seemed that Allura was together with Lotor. Another thing that he had no idea how to deal with.

Another thing was that they found out that this Shiro was a clone and that the real Shiro died but still staying inside the black lion. It was thanks to the robot that he was still alive. They even managed to bring him back. This was also adding to his stress factor, but he hid this from everyone.




"We decided to go to Earth." Allura announce to everyone.

"Finally. I can't wait to meet my family." Hunk chirped and Pidge seemed happy as well. His brother had after all been found and his father as well. His father went to Earth and Matt continued to help out the rebel fighter.

"You can finally meet Adam again, isn't that awesome." Keith teased and he could see the small hint of pink on Shiro's cheeks.

"Yes, and I can just hope that he forgave me for going on this mission." Shiro chuckled nervously and he could just guess that the two had some kind of fight before he vanished.

And here was him who wasn't remotely happy. It was stress pure for him and he feared that his family wasn't going to accept him. Not after everything he went through. The happy chatter continued, and he leaned on the wall staying silent. There was no way that he could not be nervous.

"Come on sourpuss be happy that we finally get back to Earth." Pidge teased him and all he gave as an answer was a sigh and then walking silently out of the room. He even entered the training room and starting bashing robots.

Around lvl 20 the simulation stopped, and he pouted not liking this at all. Gaze glancing to the side to see that it was Shiro. His body tensed and he had to remind himself that this was the real Shiro and not the one who had ignored, not taking him seriously and yelled at him.

"What?" He snapped and instantly regretting as tensing up and apologizing. The male waved it away and he felt nervous now. Why was he here? Had he done something? Was he getting yelled again? Was he mad? On the inside he was freaking out but on the outside he looked calm.

"Well I know that my clone has done some damage and you had been avoiding me." Shiro said with a sigh and he winced, as feeling guilty. "Can't blame you for avoiding me." Shiro softly yet caringly added soon.

"Sorry, just had no idea how to handle this and I still don't agree with Lotor being here." He puffed his cheeks out and still feeling unsure about trusting the male.

"Yeah, heard that you have bad blood between each other. But that isn't why I am here but to apologize and to find out how you really are." Shiro looked sheepish yet apologetic and he breathed out before talking.

"It wasn't you who harmed me but your clone and about how I am..." A sigh escaped. "I am fine." He said and knowing too well that he wasn't fine, but he wasn't going to tell this Shiro. The male for sure had different problems than him panicking.

"We both know that you're not alright and panicking about the fact that we are going back to Earth but why?" As soon he heard what Shiro said, body tensed up and he wanted to argue back but he couldn't. Not when he gave him the Dad look.

"I haven't seen my family in years. Not even after I escaped because of fear. I regret this now because the last time was when I was six. So, you can guess why." He let out a groan feeling his anxiousness bubble up again.

"I am sure that they understand Lance." It was said reassuringly but he wasn't sure but, in the end, he nodded and the two decided to talk more. Then Keith entered and the three started to converse about anything that was on their mind. They even moved to his room and at some point, he fell asleep on Keith. It felt good to have their Shiro back and he was grateful to for this. But there was still that uncertainty that it will turn out well with his family and all he could hope Shiro was right.

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