Chapter 17

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Of course, something had to happen. Of course, he had to jinx it with saying all would just be dandy. Nothing was dandy and the worst was that he ended up swapped on an inhabited island. All that he wanted was having a relaxing and nice day but nooo there had to be a storm sweeping them away.

Or more like him. He cursed his luck and now he had no idea what to do. His body shivered and he huddled himself together trying to get some warmth. This was not ideal, and he should have tried to swim back but he was lost. Not to mention he would soon go into heat. God he was really unlucky.

But let's go back a few hours.




He giggled at the pepper kisses he received from Keith. The male was even more affectionate this morning. The reason was probably because of his outburst and he was relieved to finally have him here.

"Take a room you two." Pidge cheekily replied and he flushed deeply realizing that he forgot about Pidge and Hunk being in the same room.

"We are in a room?" Keith innocently said or more questioned and he snorted at this. The male was doing this intentional. Not to mention Keith and he knew that Pidge on the inside was fangirling.

"Yup, we are, and Keith is giving me attention so shush." His voice was pouty, but it was clear that he was faking this again.

"He played you there, Pidgy." Hunk giggled and wrapped soon the arm around Pidge. Which resulted in her blushing furiously. They ended up getting together a month ago and they were as sickening sweet as they were by now.

"Not to mention you two are as lovey dovely. So that we can do that as well." Keith pointed out and he couldn't help but chuckle now. So that the two flushed more and he couldn't help but coo at the adorable sight.

"Any who we better get going." Keith soon said and he felt himself being picked up. Resulting in him letting out a surprised yelp and feeling his cheeks heat up. Then they walked out after talking saying their byes. He knew that he was feeling off since this morning but shrugged it off. It was for sure nothing.




He closed his eyes for a moment as letting the warm breeze ruffle his hair. He even took a deep breath. This was awesome and soon he opened his eyes again. His gaze went over, and Keith looked at him with a soft expression.

Then he run over to the beach and a massive smile starting to appear. This was really cool, and he would for sure want to visit this place more often. It felt like Earth's beach and this was probably why Keith choose this one. From what he knew, was that the male had searched for a planet like this in a while. It warmed his heart and he couldn't help but give a kiss to him.

Keith kissed back as wrapping his arms around. By now kisses were something he was more comfortable with and the same was said to the other male. But they haven't gone a step further. Even when the other had been in rut. They both hadn't been comfortable yet to take a step further, but he really wanted to but felt scared. Scared about this step.

"Okay so I was thinking that we should start a system, to see how far we can go." Keith suggested after they had put the blankets etc. ready.

"Sounds good to me. Maybe we could have a safe word? One that we use when it gets too much?" He suggested because it was something that could work, and they would need something like this.

"Lion maybe?"

"It could work but what is when we underestimate it or forget that word?" He asked and Keith hummed as a thoughtful hum was given.

"How about something like a stop light?"

"So green would be I am still alright, Yellow still good but having to get slower and Red is I can't continue anymore."

"Yeah, and at least so we both can see what our boundaries are." Keith agreed and there was a silence between each other.

"I really want to go a step further, but I don't know..." His voice was soft and fragile, and Keith let out a sigh. It was something that they both weren't sure yet and he knew that the other was as scared of this step as he was.

"Same but we can take it slowly, step by step. After all we did make out and by now, we are fine with that step. We also could start with taking shower together."

"That could work, and we are right now technically half naked." A blush was adorning his cheeks at this and he was a bit more comfortable with his body. Or at least when it came to Keith. The male never made fun of him and the same was said for the other male. Both had scars but he had way more and he found them ugly, that was until Keith told him that he found them hot and that they showed that how strong he still was. Even after everything that he went through.

"Yeah." Keith soon said and there was a comfortable silence. Soon both decided to take a dip into the water. It was refreshing with how warm it had gotten. But what he had not expected to end up in the middle of a storm. To make this worst he ended up losing sight of Keith and this was how he ended up on an inhabited island, with no way back and being on heat. Which wasn't a good thing for him, and his Omega wanted to have his Alpha. But he wasn't sure that he would find him, and this was making him upset again. A shiver went through him as he rolled himself more together.

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