Chapter 16

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Right now he was running around the castle as he pissed off his mate. It was technically his fault that Lance had done this. But he knew that he will so get an earful, but he couldn't care. It was a petty move but right now he was in a petty mood.

"Come back here, Lance!" Keith hollered and he dashed around as avoiding his boyfriend/mate at all cost. It was just that he had been bored and that was why he ended up drawing some silly faces on his face. Not his fault and the male had not paid attention.

His inner Omega was not pleased and pouted more at the thought. Yes, he had been busy with the blades, but he wanted attention. Bad attention is still attention. Even when he angered his mate. Maybe not the best idea but it was not his fault.

"Space Papi help!" He yelped out as instantly hiding behind the mentioned male. He probably had gone too far, and this was what he realized.

"Step aside Takashi." Keith warned and him calling Shiro by his given name was showing that he was not pleased at all.

"No or not as long as you look like your ready to murder Lance." Shiro stood firmly and it gave him some protection. "What did he do?" Was asked by Pidge and he glanced at her with a sheepish yet guilty look.

"He drawn on my face." It was grumbled out and he puffed his cheeks at this. It was not his fault that Keith had no paid attention to him but to others.

"Well then you shouldn't have paid attention to others." He huffed out and rushing outside of the room before Keith could answer. Because he knew that he was on thin ice, but he couldn't care right now.




His body curled on the seat of Red and trying not let his jealousy get out of hand, but his Omega was hurt by what his Alpha had done. It wasn't that he couldn't understand but he had not seen him and when it was maybe once a month. He hadn't even had to go through his heat alone.

The black Paladin asked for entrance, should I?

He heard Red asked and he puffed his cheeks and denying the access. Right now, he wasn't wanting to see his mate. He can go to hell for what he cared. Okay, that had been a bit harsh but he was still grumpy about the fact that they hadn't seen each other often.

He looks like a kicked puppy, please consider it. Like he is pleading with me and I think you should talk it out with him.

A huff went out and he put his hands up in surrender as a gesture to let him inside. His brows furrowed, lips trembled and arms hugging his legs. It was upsetting for him and he felt angered by the fact that he had not been there.

"I am sorry." Keith said with a sigh and Red had been right. Keith sounded like a kicked puppy. A sigh was going out and he glanced back to see that Keith was looking like he sounded.

"Apologies won't cut out." He said coolly before standing up and adding. "Actions speak more then words. You left me alone when I had my heat." He growls out and he wasn't going to back this one out. Yes, he may be an Omega, but he wasn't going to take bs from his Alpha.


"Don't say you didn't know. I asked Shiro to message you and you got it and even told him that you would come. But no! You ended up having to go on a dumb mission." He hissed out and rushing outside. Or that was the plan because his wrist was taken softly, and he felt himself pulled into a chest.

"I know, and I will make amends. I promise you as your Alpha." It was said softly, and he let out a sigh as melting into his touch. He hugged slowly back and feeling himself picked up.

"Let's get in our room and talk it out." Keith said softly and he wrapped his legs around the hip and arms going around the neck. It was Koala he still had a pout because he felt needy and he realized that he was going preheat. It was explaining why he was that moody.




"Fine I semi forgive you because you are genuine looking like a kicked pup right now. But I swear pull a stunt like this and I will ignore you." He said grumpily as snuggling into the arms. His Omega was finally calm.

"How about we go on a date?" It was asked and he perked up at this and grinning brightly. A date was something that they hadn't done in a while.

"Hell, yeah with a cherry on top." He chirped out and Keith chuckled a smile as well on his own went up. They stayed cuddled like this and it was decided that they would go to a planet that was similar to earth. It had a beach and was nature. A cool thing and he couldn't wait to go.

For once he had a nice rest, without nightmares. A good thing because he hadn't had a good night rest after Keith started getting busy. His inner Omega was finally calm, and he was so damn glad about it. There was also the fact that he had issues falling asleep without him. This was all that was mattering right now. 

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