Sexuality: something you aren't always 100% on

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"Zivian...I have something to tell you..." Trisha spoke quietly, not making eye contact. "Zivian...I'm in love with you. I know things are crazy with Michael right now but I just. I really. Really have the worlds biggest crush on you and I've only ever felt this with Eric and I'm in love with you."
I didn't know what to say.
I sat there on her bed. Speechless.
"Trish. I-"
I was cut off by her lips on mine.
My heart sped up.
Butterflies hatched in my stomach. Smaller ones than the butterflies in my stomach that night with Michael.
Soon enough we were making out in her room and I couldn't get enough of her. The feelings I had for her I wasn't even aware of until now.
She pulled away from me.
"Zivian. I didn't even know I could have feelings for a girl."
I looked at her empathetically.
"Trish." I brushed her blonde hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. "It's okay. You're still a teenager. You're still finding yourself."
"I haven't told my parents yet...what if they disown me?"
It was my job to make sure they understood.
"They won't disown you. And if they do, you can come live with me. It's gonna be okay. Okay?"
She smiled. "Okay."
A few days later we told her parents. They were ecstatic. They'd heard so much about me all the time they knew Trisha was crushing.
They were our biggest fans.
Trisha decided to wave in Michael's face that she stole my heart after he broke it.
[@TrishIrwin810: so I kinda am in love with my best friend @zivian_clifford13 aha sorry @michael5sos]
I laughed and didn't pay a thought to Michael. He broke my heart.
But I still loved him.
I didn't have the guts to tell Trisha that of course. She would be so hurt.
So I kept my mouth shut on our walk down the street to the pizza place.
Hands together we walked along, talking and laughing.
Until I heard a gunshot.
I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach and fell to the ground.
Two burly guys came over and started kicking me and kicking me until I was numb from the pain. My head hit the pavement one last time until I blacked out.
The last thing I heard was Trisha scream.

Impossible Love // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now