Coma: halfway to death

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I woke up next to my own body.
Everything seemed to be at a stand still. I walked around the hospital room for a while just trying to move things.
I went right through everything.
I didn't understand it.
I wandered into the hall for a while. There was a lady at the service desk typing away on her computer.
"Hello?" I said. Not even a flinch. "Hello!" I said louder.
I walked back into my room and looked at my body.
I hated it. Scars on my legs, arms, hips. It was ugly.
And I could almost see my ribs.
I sighed, knowing I was probably looking at myself on my death bed.
I looked out the window at the rosy sunset and saw my parents pull in and park. My real father parked next to mom and John. My heart dropped. I didn't want him anywhere near me. And by the look of things outside, neither did my mom. She screamed things I couldn't make out at him and she threw a hit or two but John held her back. She cried on the way into the hospital, my real father leaving.
I let go the breath I didn't know I was holding.
Mom and John both ran into my room and held my hands. Mom was still crying.
"The choice is yours sweetheart. This fight is all up to you. Whether you live or die. It's all up to you." John sniffled. "I know it's been hard lately and you probably want to go. If you do..." he took a deep breath. "We just want you to know it's okay if that's what you want." He cried with my mom.
"Momma. I'm not going anywhere." I called out, starting to cry also. I sunk in a corner crying. I fell asleep sooner or later. And when I woke up, Trisha was on the phone with Michael and holding my hand with her free one.
"Am I dead?" The question hung in the air as I sat next to Trisha and listened to her conversation.
"...don't know if we can make it."
"Michael, please." She sniffled, wiping her eyes. "They said she won't wake up. She's gone comatose!"
Michael was silent on the other end.
I could hear a faint shuffling over the phone before he spoke.
"We'll be there."

Impossible Love // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now