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He holds me close and I feel the warmth of his chest. I can hear his heartbeat. It feels comforting.

I break away after some time and say,"I am sorry I unloaded all that baggage on u" and he quickly says,"Thank goodness it is a charlatan who can carry heavy loads."

There is sarcasm dripping from his words. I don't really know how to respond to the sarcasms so I keep mum.

" How come I have never seen u around?"

" I'm new here. Move around a lot."

" It must be fun"

"No it never is. No friends, no constant life,  not like u"

"I have no friends either, and trust me being in a place where anyone knows everyone isn't fun "

" How come u have no friends?"

" Why"

" U look like someone who has lots of friends"

" At school I am an outcast, the nerd, the geek, the grumpy idiot someone who isn't reasonable and around here people gossip with everything they find"

"Sounds like a package deal"

" It isn't funny"

" Are u sure ur fine princess"

" I am fine. Don't worry. Maybe u can go back now"

It's good to cut this short. I don't mean him to misunderstand. I cannot be his friend even if I want to.

" If that's what u would like"

" Maybe u could wait for a few minutes, catch ur breath, rest a moment"

" Nah, I'm strong, and I don't tire out easily."

" Ok, then"

" Well next time, try not scare anyone"

" I won't"

And he leaves the way he came. I didn't want to turn him down but things will turn uglier if he stayed, and somehow anyone found out...no, better not think about it.
I get back inside see tears streaming down my cheeks. I am accustomed to it.
I wish I was braver
I wish I could offer him my friendship.
I wish I was more hopeful.
But life doesn't work that way now, does it.

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