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I am glad to see him, and yet scared that things will be misunderstood if we are seen.  But for now I push those fears down and jump to reply.
" I'm ok. Why take so much trouble for my well-being?"
" If u storm off like Cinderella at midnight, what else is left to do?"
"I am no Cinderella"
" Trust me princess, u are no less"
That sentence made me blush a little. I was so glad for the moonless sky.
" How did u know I would come?"
" I just did."
I am a bit nervous. How can he know me so well in just a  little while and others fail to understand me , even if they know me for years. Even though I should have been cautious, not trusting a stranger who barged in my life in not-so-normal way, I don't know what to think.
Yet I say, " What did you do after my escape?"
" Went home, smelled myself and showered, just so this time I won't be so repulsive to u"
I burst out laughing and said,"Its not u, its me, dear stranger"
" Don't say"
" What??"
"Its really scary when a girl says that"
" Hmm.. lots of experience, ladies man huh"
" Had a girl I crushed on.. she broke my heart into pieces."
I felt a pang of jealousy. And I don't even know him. He seems to sense that.
" Don't worry. She wasn't nearly as pretty as u"
I give him a friendly shove. I am still blushing. Hopefully he can't see it.
I know this friendship won't work. I should push him away, prevent anyone from coming near me, but today, I just can't.
I don't want to burn the bridge between us, and
I just don't want him to leave. He is my only friend in years.
"Thanks for today"
"Why did u want to be thank me"
" If not u, I would have been lost in the hill forest"
"I'm sorry I ran away." I want to stop, but tears well in my eyes.
"Shhh....its ok. I am sorry. I shouldn't have..."
"No it's not u... I am dragging u down with me, I shouldn't have met u and now......" I say between my sobs.
He, once again, pulls me into a hug, this time, I bury myself into his chest.
This time it is inevitable.

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