A Free Bird

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The dance goes away and so does graduation. Aaron is in the past and I have to accept it because this is not my life, this is literally not what I am. All my life after being told off, stopped from doing what I like, now I got accepted, to a university far off to study English lit. Yes, while Maya wants be to be a doctor and so did mum, dad wanted me to be a mathematician,but then, it is my life and my decision should be mine to regret, cause I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing something I don't genuinely like. Mum, before her demise had even threatened to cut me off, if I did anything except medical school, and that clearly affected my subject choices in high school, but now that I have a choice to get away from this controlling house, trust me on that, I will, any chance to go away id highly appreciated. It really is. Sometimes, although I shouldn't feel so, I feel like running away and never come back, but knowing myself and my own financial condition, without my parents and their money, I know I will not be able to live, but finally a scholarship, a scholarship to get away. This is not a scholarship, it is the greatest gift from God, a life saver. I don't think I could survive in this place, confined.

Yes, yes my parents died, but before their passing, which I do lament, they handed the reins of control to Maya. She may come across as good sometimes, but inside she never wants to give up the control she has, and she won't unless I snatch it from her myself.

I have now, I am free like a bird to fly in the sky. Just bind ur time, I always told myself and now it has paid off. I will go away to the university, whether anyone objects or not. I must go share this with Jason, my best friend, as of now.

I can have a life of my own now, there are worse things in the world that can happen,and today, I hope nothing happens to me. A free bird that's what I am, a free bird.

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