Literally fall for u

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The school starts now. The year end exams are coming and, I am in year 12, so this will be my last year in school. There is a dance here and I don't have a partner. They are after the exams but, the pressure is real to have someone with u. I don't know, I'll be my own date, it will be fun. Even Katie got a date, yet my very moody attitude prevents me from asking.

Aaron already has a date. Yeah, yeah, I know I thought I won't talk to him but then, I took a gradual approach, now we are as good as strangers and besides, Sara was asking me if I knew who was his date, so I kinda know from there. Sara was refused by Aaron.

But first there are exam stress, I and Jason study together sometimes, and while Sandra tagged and for once, both he and I agreed that there was no work to be done with her around. Jason's pals all know me now, but as they say, old habits die hard, it is weird for both me and them.

Jason's mom is so sweet, and she actually knew my mom, they were friends, but they gradually drifted apart. I was young and don't remember, but Maya does recognize her.

The exams go smoothly. I am sure to get okay grades, I just hope good grades and I can get a scholarship somewhere. I will be happy to get one and go to a university.

I still don't know what I want to study though, cause I am one confused soul. I think I might for sociology or English lit, I like them, and honestly they are great options. I want to go to university soon and hopefully I will.

Yet for today, I want to worry about the dance. Nobody has asked me to and being the shy antisocial specimen I am, I have no dates, even when Jason tried to set me up with one of his mates, he had a date, apparently, before he asked Sara out. Yeah, I know. Honestly I am not that bad.

So I will go alone. Jason offered to go with me, but then Sandra will accuse me of being boyfriend burglar, and that is not a title I like, I mean I still get looks from Alexa. Thanks, but no thanks.

I still need a dress. Maya has a really pretty dress, which she wants me to wear. The dress is special for her, and just the trust that she showed on me with offering is better than any dress money could buy.

All these thoughts occupy me while I trip on my own foot. Uff, how clumsy can a person seriously. I fall down, but the ground is not hard. But instead, there is a soft cushion like surface.

There is a exasperated sign. And voice," Watch it, don't fall for me, doesn't end well"

I try to get up, and I know I fell on someone, I fell on Marco.

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