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"That is a handful. Never expected u would really tell me." His voice brought me back to reality, The library.

"I did now, did I not, How long has it been?"

"2 hours"


I am tired. I don't want to talk anymore. I really want to take a nap. I yawn.

"looks like someone's sleepy"

" I am"

He gets up and goes somewhere, only go knows where he went.

He comes back with a stack of books, and says, use it as a pillow. Great. this dress is so  uncomfortable, I go to the washroom, freshen up a bit. I go to sleep on the floor with the books as my pillow. The librarian would be frantic, if she saw us now.

The morning rays come on my face, I open my eyes and look around, Jason is curled up against me. I slowly move, but he stirs up.

"Morning already"

"Yeah, sleep more if u want, its not like we have to be somewhere."

I straighten my dress and freshen up. This is really weird, I mean, just yesterday, I was making plans for the weekend and here I am stuck in  the library, sleeping next to a stranger.

I am really hungry. What should I do, I don't know. There are only two chocolate bars, and they will not suffice for long.

Jason says,"Out of all the places to get stuck it was the library"

"i actually like it". It's true. I always wanted to have the library all by myself, but I didn't know how my wish would come true.

"I thought so"

"What do u mean?"

"U are always seen with a book in ur hand, it is a quite easy conclusion"

"I don't read all day"

"You do"

"How do u now that?"

He looks in my eyes and my heart skips a beat. Of course, he looked at u, and so he knows.

"U really are trouble, aren't u?", he says with a smile.

I am at a loss of words, but his smile and his blonde hair glistering in sunlight, I just want to melt in my shadows. How did this happen, this scenario, I always thought that I was invisible, No one noticed me, I was just in the background of everything, I didn't realize when I came to life.

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