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All of the students have gathered in the halls. Me and Jason stick together, not leaving each other's side. There are so many new faces and we are assigned rooms. We all have been given rooms and one roommate each. My roommate is a really bubbly girl, Cami and we immediately click. It is fun talking to her.

She is from the next town and loves debating. She is also fun and really pretty. She and her girlfriend Lara are really in love, I mean, they are are over each other, skyping so long. They make a cute couple.

I meet Jason on dinnertime. We sit together and eat the pasta, which actually is so good. All the teachers are busy and we won't see them till the end of the camp. The day passes in quiet.

We all have to attend the basic training classes in the morning, and there is the debate round in the evening. It will be like an introduction, because so far, not everyone has met each other. The debate round begins.

My turn gets over, I won the round even though my worthy opponent, Jake, did a really good job. After Jason's turn gets over, we both head to the audience area. Many rounds get over and now is the last round, the debaters are called in the front. And one of the debater looks tad bit familiar. As soon as I get a look at him, I am appalled. It's Adam.

Adam had an interest in debating? I didn't really know. Those warm blue eyes, I never forgot them, and just a few days ago, I got to see them again. I know he also recognizes me, and we cannot really keep hiding form each other, But somehow, when I thought that was our last meeting goes unnoticed. After his turn gets over, he takes the seat next to me and says,"It's good to see u again, Iris"

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