A Game

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He is asking me this question, like am supposed to be  a shaman, or a genius, or this is somehow my fault. I say,"How exactly am I supposed to know, what to do?" this guy seriously annoyed me.

He is frantic, his enigma all fading and he is terrified. I ask," is there any way to get out of here?"

"I don't know"

"Do they cut off the electricity in the evenings?"

"They do, they cut off the electricity after school and the doors are locked, the guards leave on Friday and only return on Sunday. The library is especially locked up and there are no windows here to run, even the bathroom window is small only for ventilation."

"If u already know all these things, what was the question for?"

"Just reassurance, yo come to terms with the situation."

"So, we are stuck here, for the next 3 days"


"Maybe ur parents will do something, ask after u"

"They went outside for 15 days, to remote island, with no network, there is no chance they will find out, maybe your sis will help us?"

"She went to visit our aunt, she will be for the whole coming week"

I assumed his parents will find us, but no, there is no one to find us, the librarian will find us here.

It is a little chilly here, and my stupid dress, which I wore for the drama audition today, will not suffice. I search my bag, with urgency. There are emergency supplies, a kohl stick, a comb, some books, two chocolate bars. There is water on the librarian's desk an the staff bathroom is just behind us, hopefully they don't cut  off the water supply.

Jason left his bag outside, while mine in inside, because this stupid dress has no pockets. We grab a chair and sit down.

"Since we have three days to kill, lets talk"

"Talk about what?"

"I don't know, things"

" How about we play a game?"

" What game?"

"U suggest"

"Truth or dare"

"We are only two people"


"All right, my turn first"

"But nothing leaves this room, first agree to it"

He gives me a suspicious smile. I glare at him.

"Fine, Iris tell me, Truth or dare"

"Truth", I say quickly

"Tell me the story, the real story about u and Anna"

I am shocked, and aghast. He seriously cannot ask that.

"I can't"

"Nothing will leave this room remember, trust me, I am curious that's all, But if u don't want to tell me, I won't push u"

"Fine, I will, but first promise me, u will not utter a word of it, not to anyone. Please, It is difficult for me, I hope u will not break my trust."

"I won't, don't worry. I don't want to have any wrong idea about u"

I am going tell him the story, the incident that changed me. I don't know why today. Maybe, I am tired of keeping it inside, or because he stood up for me, whatever it may be, I tell him the truth, for it is my mistake and I must own up to it.

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