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「 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 」

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the clubs bathroom were somewhat nicer compared to others in the city. the lighting was still dim, but it lacked the trashy graffiti on stall walls and chewed pieces of gum stuck behind doors. there were also no stains on the mirror, which allowed the boy to fix his hair while he waited those ten minutes.

jungkook walked in and saw him leaning over the sink, soft hair looking perfect and the same could be said for the way he wore those jeans. "how long is your break?" taehyung asked, staring at the male through the mirror before turning around. jungkook stood there, hooded eyes and a twitch at the corner of his lips like a smirk wanted to show but still daring not to. "thirty minutes." he said.

"i can work with that." taehyung didn't waste anymore time, not as he grabbed one of the belt loops on the bartender pants to tug him along into one of the stalls.

the door shut behind them, closing the two males in a tiny space that suddenly seemed okay with their chests already touching. "you come here often?" taehyung sounded playful, much like the big brown eyes and everything else that didn't match his thoughts or the way his hands already started to tug at the olders tucked in shirt.

"shut up." jungkook said, yanking off his belt to tug down his pants and expose the outline of his hardened dick. taehyung wasn't about to argue, not as he shrugged innocently and pointed at the toilet, "sit." he said.

he rose an eyebrow, glancing down at the spot that seemed a little too unsanitary for that. "no thanks." jungkook said.

there was another simple shrug, right before the younger got onto his knees without a second thought. now wasn't the time for small talk or caution taken, not as taehyung felt his heart beat quicken and stomach flutter at the sight of the other males clothed dick in front of him. based on the size, taehyung wanted to drool, to take it all and let his mouth be used.

clearly it's what he wanted, especially as he looked up at the older, bangs parting slightly to show those innocent looking eyes blinking up at him. "let me taste." taehyung had a deep voice, but somehow right now he sounded like this sweet little thing waiting for jungkook to wreck him. it had the ravenettes stomach turning and dick twitching as he pulled it out from his boxers, "open." he was glad his voice didn't give up on him.

the boy listened well, letting plump lips part to take jungkooks tip with ease. taehyungs slender fingers wrapped around what he couldn't take in his mouth, jerking the man while jungkooks ran his hand through the youngers hair. he was gentle, but still pushed the boys head further down on his dick, just to tug his hair to pull his mouth off and repeat.

taehyungs lips stretched and tears crowded at the corners of his eyes, but his heart fluttered and stomach swirled when feeling the man tug at his hair and guide his head. he listened, and he followed with his hand to help jungkook along to cum down his throat.

it happened sooner than the younger expecting. he got nothing but a strangled grunt from jungkook and his dick twitching in taehyungs mouth before spilling down his throat. taehyung held onto the ravenettes thighs, gagging only a bit when the tip of his dick jerked to his the back of his throat like that.

this was clearly for the older man, get sucked in the bathroom stall at work during break was a nice change, and didn't really do anything for the younger on his knees except for a couple possible bruises. jungkooks chest heaved, a hand coming up to push back the dark hair that  fell forward. he watched as the smaller boy stood down, using the pad of his thumb to wipe at his bottom lip before sucking on it. "that was definitely better than an order of bourbon." taehyung said.

he was glad the confidence was earlier was only just now wearing off. as the attractive male stared at him, flustered cheeks and dark eyes, taehyung started to feel small and had no idea what part of him let himself come into this bathroom with such sinful ideas — and the having the nerve to actually do them. "uh, thanks." taehyung squeaked, suddenly hating the closeness of the bathroom stall and swinging the door open. he didn't even care that he was half-hard himself, the feeling uncomfortable as he did his best to create the most space between his ass and the bartender.

the only thing he wanted now was jimin and a ride home. "jimin!" taehyung called for his friend over the crowed and music. it didn't take long to spot the boy, despite his smaller height and size compared to the rest, his energy and personality seemed bigger than them all.

"where did you go!" jimin sang, a sway to his hips and giggle passing lips. taehyung could smell the liquor in his best friends breath and he wondered what loser fell for the boys pretty face to buy him a drink.

"we need to go." taehyung took the boys hand and they headed for the door, not even a second glance back to see what they were leaving behind. jimin didn't argue, he still hummed on the way and occasionally bumped hips with his best friend and leaned closer to yell the lyrics in his ear.

it made taehyung smile, forgetting about the bartender and the fact that he didn't even get his name. he was so quick to end up on his knees that he didn't bother considering a simple conversation with a human being — and it wasn't just bothering him, not as the ravenette stared at himself in the dull bathroom mirror until his break ended. there was something odd to the kid, the way he seemed to know exactly what he was doing with every word and action, yet somehow still looking clueless and immature.

jungkook tucked back in his shirt and fixed his hair a bit, still looking messy but still perfect. the bar was in the same busy state, people drinking and others already being cut off. right now it's what he needed, something to keep his mind busy and thoughts away from only focusing on those pretty brown eyes.


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