thirty one.

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the notes were floating on the breeze that came in through the window that was cracked open. one song melted with that of the birds, light and pretty sounding that thursday morning. he should have been practicing for tonight, but the ravenette had his eyes closed and head tilted back against the wall, simply strumming whatever light chords came to mind and sounding nice with the morning.

jungkook didn't open his eyes for a while, sitting on the ground underneath his windowsill and continuing to play randomly on the guitar. he didn't even stop when his mother cane walking up the stairs, calling for him and getting no response.

"-are you still in bed? jungkook." the door swung open and her voice disrupted the morning.

a crease formed between the mans eyebrows, eyelashes lifting to see his mom standing there all dressed and ready for the day. "i'm up." jungkook stated simply. 

she rose an eyebrow and started to fix her skirt she wore, a pale blue color that wished it looked more like the shade of the sky outside. "you haven't changed." she said, noticing the way her son sat by the window in the same thing he wore last night after coming home from work.

"i'm comfy." was all he said, strumming once more and wondering why he wasn't still alone.

his mother only sighed and nodded at that, "well," she started to say. "i'm going to the store and then meeting anne for lunch." she told him. anne was one of her book club friends, someone she talked to a lot but only because it felt like an obligation. jungkook never understood that, the need to do things only to please others and meet their expectations. the thought it made him play another chord, darker and more minor.

he didn't answer and his mom took that as a sign to leave. she only got her hand on the doorknob when he spoke, catching her attention with a few words, "hey mom." jungkook looked up, seeing the way she smiled a little at her son.

jungkook scratched the back of his neck, playing with his hair too now and wondering if he should even waste the time asking. it's like he already knew the answer, but hoped every time that it would be different.

"i have this gig at the club tonight. i was wondering if you wanted to come watch?" the little hope in his voice was so clear, and almost so sad to hear.

ms. jeons smile faltered just the slightest, "oh honey i don't know." she started to say.

except jungkook cut her off. "come on, you never show up. no one is going to care about your pearls and pastels." he said.

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