twenty one.

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「 𝐤𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐬 」

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the song kept getting restarted and played back to the part they were working on. at this point it's been played a hundred times, over and over while the boy swayed his hips and moved his arms to hit the right parts with the right emotion. his best friends face was so close to the phone screen, little freckles visible while he blinked and watched so close.

"no that's suppose to be your right arm." jimin said, "tap your shoulder with a fist on one and then change to two fingers on beat two and three and then swing-" jimins words faded while he moved from the phone to do it too, showing what he meant with his arm swinging around the from of his body from left to right.

taehyung paused the video on his laptop and his lips formed a small o. "oh shit you're right." he stood up again and faced his phone, making sure he was clear on the face time. "love sick girls." he sang along, doing the part again and earning a thumbs up from his friend.

"okay next-" jimins crackling voice came through the phone and the pop song was heard playing on his end.

except there was a knock on the front door, which had taehyung pausing the video again to look over. "hang on." taehyung left his phone on the living room coffee table and walked to the door.

his mom was at the grocery store, so none of her friends would be stopping by that afternoon. it could only be a package, or someone selling some dumb product — taehyung was thinking as he swung it open, not expecting what he saw once he did.

or an extremely attractive man with a too tight shirt covering a toned chest that he knew too well.

taehyung felt his face warm thinking back to it, the feeling of the mans muscles under his palms and bare for him to explore and touch. the idea of his mom not being home occurred to him, but taehyung blinked and tried to remember that he actually needed to greet the older standing there.

"uh hi," taehyung was thankful he didn't stutter. "aren't you suppose to be working?"

jungkook nodded, "technically." he said. "i was wondering though," he paused again, shoving his hands into his pockets. "i feel weird. about last night." he ended up saying instead.


"no, not like that." jungkook was quick to say, "i loved it, it was great, you were great-" the ravenettes bangs swayed while he shook his head a bit. he should have practiced what he was going to say so he didn't feel so dumb right now. "i just feel weird leaving things like that. i don't do that usually." jungkook tried to explain, but he sighed instead, "i'm trying to take you out tonight, as friends. i know where your mind is and i don't fit in like that, so i'm trying to be your friend instead."

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