thirty four.

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「 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 」

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to say it was a mess seemed to be like an understatement. walking into that house was like seeing the aftermath of a storm, one belonging to a sheepishly smiling tattooed man — who happened to think a quick meal can be used to avoid actually talking about what's wrong today.

"jungkook what is that." taehyung said, probably for the tenth time.

"i told you." jungkook said. "it's kraft." he held up the box of mac and cheese and almost rolled his eyes, if not for the look the younger shot his way.

technically taehyung was the one with every right to be rolling his eyes. "not that." he said, now pointing to the pile of books and tea candle sets that used to be in the living room. "i'm talking about that."

jungkook looked down at the pile sitting in the kitchen, "i had a box for those but i don't know where it went, i told you i was messy." he said, tearing open the mac and cheese box and pouring the noodles into a pot. taehyung frowned though, getting up off the stool and walking around the island to stand beside the older. "you can't throw your life away." he said.

it was hard, trying to tiptoe around this topic and not say something to set the ravenette off. especially considering that taehyung has made him upset enough in the past, he didn't want to make it worse by pushing something that really was none of his business.

"i don't read." jungkook defended himself.

taehyung rose an eyebrow, then he pulled open one of the kitchen drawers to reveal a single spoon and fork. "but you have to eat. you see what i'm saying, something's wrong here."

"you're right." jungkook said. "there is something wrong."

for a second taehyung thought he had made some progress, as if jungkook wasn't just throwing everything away so he didn't have to be reminded of his mom. instead he forgot how difficult jungkook was, which was shown pretty clearly with his following responses.

"i need a set for you."

"not what i meant." taehyung sighed.

"so you wanna share?" jungkook asked, holding up the only spoon he now owns since the rest sat outside on the curb.

"keep your mouth germs away from me."

jungkook chuckled, the spoon hitting the counter with a clink while the older grabbed taehyungs shirt from the front, tugging him until their chests bumped. "you love it." he whispered, voice deep and making taehyungs knees nearly wobble at the sound and close proximity.

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